Monday, April 27, 2009


I was talking to one of my sisters the other day about how D doesn't appreciate how much I clean up after him.  I do it without thinking.  I believe I'm on auto pilot.  LOL!  Some days I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels.  Then other on other days,  I feel like I've accomplished a boat load of things.

Yesterday I was straightening up before tackling my sewing project, feeling pretty good about myself.  I turn around and here's Nisie sitting pretty as can be with my top beside her.  I shook my head and said, "I've got enough to do around here, I don't need to be picking up after you also.  LOL!"

Granted, if I'd hung up the top instead of putting it on the chair in my bedroom, she couldn't have knocked it onto the floor and gotten hold of it.  Pepper used to bring the clothes to me in her mouth.  She was so gentle she never made dents or holes in the garments.  Nisie on the other hand, tends to get her feet and head stuck in the garment.  Then she drags it around the house until  it falls off.  It's totally unintentional and rather funny to watch. 
I'm on an exercise kick these days.  As my mother-in-law used to say, "I can't seem to get out of my own way".  I've been feeling fat and frumpy but can't seem to get into the mind set to exercise.  It's so boring.....yawn.

I've been doing some strength exercises with weights in the evening because I hate my baggy wrinkled arms.  What I need though is some cardio and calorie burning.  Yesterday when I was at Wally World, I picked up a girlie basketball. When I got home, I took it to the backyard and started throwing hoops.  The shots I missed, I actually ran after the ball to catch it.  I must have looked like a pinwheel in the wind with arms and legs waiving all about in an uncoordinated attempt to control the ball.   LOL!

The most important thing is, 1/3 of my attempted throws made it in the basket. My heart was beating a mile a minute.  I actually broke a sweat and was enjoying myself while doing it.  However the absolute best thing ball is PINK!  Cool!

I remember as a kid how I hated basketball because I was so short everyone blocked my shots.  I also didn't seem to have the strength to throw the heavy ball through the hoop.  That surprises me because I could throw a baseball from outfield to any base or the pitcher without a bounce.  I was also good enough to always play shortstop and hit home runs.  That means I'm going to blame my shortfall in basketball skills on all those tall people of the world.  LOL!

I loved playing baseball into my late 20's on male and female teams.  Maybe in my golden years in the backyard by myself with no tall people around, I'll finally tackle the elusive skill of hoops.  Who knows....stranger things have been known to happen.


Shannon said...

I've always liked basketball. Kelly and I used to play it all the time.

Wudas said...

Now I can just see you in your spaghetti strap top, slacks, and pumps, just giving that pink ball hell. Yup, that's the picture I have in my head.