Monday, April 20, 2009

The Oye Factor.

I decided I was just going to chill out and do nothing yesterday.  I put a movie in the DVD player, turned up the volume and headed for the kitchen to make meatballs for the spaghetti we were having for dinner.  I looked out the family room windows and all of the sudden couldn't stand looking at these weeds.  I hit pause on the remote control and headed for the great outdoors.

It was a nice 84 degrees with no breeze.  It was muggy and hit me like a wall when I opened the door to go out.  I looked like a movie starlet posing for a picture in my white and black sun dress and holding a shovel. 
I was a vision of class and taste.  No doubt about it.  Not many people dressed to garden.  I put the shovel to the ground aiming at one of the biggest weeds.  I stomped my sandaled foot down and it went deep into the moist dirt.  The air was absolutely quiet with only the sound of the birds singing.  The shovel entering the ground was quiet with the exception of the loud, "OYE.....OOPH!" that escaped my lips.

All of the sudden my body morphed into a little old yiddish grandma.  My back went stiff, my neck kinked the wrong direction and the sounds I emitted made an octogenarian sound like a teenager.  The sweat that hit my skin made a hot flash feel like a warm spring shower.

Ahhhhh....there's nothing like a little gardening to bring me thumping back to earth reminding me that I am no longer a size 3, strong fit woman of 20 again. It took much longer than expected to tame the dreaded weeds.  The vision of my reclaiming two planted areas of the yard immediately dissipated in my brain.  Suddenly gaining control of just the one area was sufficient.

This morning before it gets hot, I'll head out and get another tiny portion of the yard weeded.  This time with shovel in hand, I'll be prepared for the distinctly disgusting noises my lungs and muscles will make.  Yep, summer is upon us and I've graduated to the next phase of gardening.


Wudas said...

The weather is just a teaser it's cool off soon enough. I was out digging holes for citrus trees this morning. I have already put in some seeds and have some planters to full. But I have a really, really, bad shoulder and I am tackling one at a time in the morning. I have to cut some wire to fit over the planters to keep out cats and peacocks. So tomorrow I'll drag out the supplies and start with that before planting the next day. But I'm with you on the noises while using a shovel.

Shannon said...

That's the funniest visual I've had in a long time. I hope that you're successful in getting rid of all the weeds. We lots of weed here too.