Friday, April 24, 2009

The Slow Child...

Sometimes I think if there were a competition between my sisters and myself for the slow child award I believe I'd win.  I'd get frustrated at times and complain to D how I just can't get things done as quickly as I used to.  I thought it was old age but now I see the problem.  It's not old age at all, it's the age of the doxie.

Yesterday I started to make the bed skirt for the guest room.  I got my measurements and headed to the kitchen to sew.  I sewed through Princess Diary I & II and got over half way through Paint Your Wagon when my back and neck decided that was enough for the day.

I actually made pretty good headway.  I got the body of the dust ruffle done and figured I'd finish it up today.
First thing this morning, I attempt to put the cover on the bed pushing dogs off several times.  Once it's firmly on the bed...again pushing the little beasts aside, I pin a couple of styles of pleats/ruffles on the coverlet.  This of course takes longer because as soon as I sit on the floor the dogs decide they need to play in my lap.

D comes in and we decide I'll do simple box pleats because they'll stay with the theme of straight angles on the crochet bedspread.  By this time the beasts have decided they're getting tired of me throwing them off my lap and head for the top of the bed.  My nice neat folded fabric is now spread out with dogs playing hide and seek above and under it.

The little monsters are now taking their morning nap because they've exhausted themselves with play.  I'll try and quietly sneak out to the kitchen and see if I can get the cutting part of the project done with a minimal amount of fuss.  Who knows....maybe I'll get the pleats ironed so I can sew them in. Stranger things have been known to happen.   Now.....where's that remote and handsome Clint Eastwood?


Shannon said...

That's funny. Izzy always wants to lay on some part of my yarn when she sits in my lap while I'm knitting. I also have to kick her off of my laptop. She doesn't like it, but she never jumps out of my chair.

Wudas said...

Daisy is fond of getting in my yarn.