Monday, November 30, 2009

Just Taking a Break....

I've been embroidering like a mad woman the past few weeks. Yesterday I took a few minutes out to just watch the deer. Sometimes I forget to take a moment and appreciate the beauty around me. I think it's a major flaw of my species.

I watch babies turn into adults. I can't keep track of who is who because....well frankly they all look the same to me. It is nice to see them turn into their own mini family units.

There are 8 ladies in this unit/herd. I was able to get 5 of them in one picture. Look at the handle of the BBQ and you'll see a pretty little gal standing there.
We watch the males grow their antlers. It seems like a slow process then one day everyone has a pretty respectable pair their sporting. This is a young buck. He hasn't taught his ladies not to get so close to the house.

I love that they feel safe here but would prefer they have a respectful fear of humans. It'll give them a better chance of survival.

Time to ask Santa for a new paintball gun for Christmas. I need to teach the newbies to stay on the hill where it's safe.

I've been trying to digitize a mustang (car). It's frustrating me like you wouldn't believe. I decided a few minutes ago to start putting out some Christmas decorations. I'm gonna do it slow and take my time.

Right now, I'm going to take an hour or so and see if I can get some of my Christmas stockings embroidered with names. I've been meaning to get it done but something always came up and I just didn't get around to it.

Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. Just D, H and I. In the evening D's brother and sister in law surprised us with a visit. It's been almost two years since we've seen them. That's sad considering they live in CV. My goal in 2010 is to be better at keeping in touch with family and friends. I hate having to catch up with everyone at weddings and funerals.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jailed & Boring People

Life around here is pretty simple if you're a canine. Get up, eat breakfast, potty & poop. For some reason lately Nissie just won't do her 3 duties. Oh...she's got no problem with the eat breakfast and potty, the third seems to be the issue.

Sooooo....instead of lazing at the window with the nice warm sun beating on her black fur in the morning, she gets put back in her taxi. Does that look sad or what?
To prove that a mother doesn't care much after her children are grown, Nuttie hogs the sun and doesn't seem to miss Nissie getting in the way one bit. I think she's convinced the little one not to do her 3rd duty in the morning so she can have the window to herself.
Okay check this out. I find this absolutely hilarious. Nana came up with the graphic for me and I spent two days digitizing and perfecting it. I sewed out this sample for the customer. Ya know what she said to D? "What is it? I don't get it?" She works in the garden department of HD. Even after D explained it, she still didn't see the humor in a Venus Flytrap eating a frog.
This is what she picked for her apron. What a drag! I'm offering a graphic for FREE if she'll advertise for me. First she wanted I created 4 designs for her. She didn't like any of them. Then she wanted a Venus Flytrap so Nana and I came up with this. Nope...didn't pass the muster.

My sister warned me about people demanding ugly, she never warned me about people who see the world in beige and have no personality. Last night D gave me more insight about this woman and I'm convinced she sees the world in gray and beige. Talk about a boring life.

She also doesn't get the fact that if she ordered this from any other embroiderer it would have cost her $25 for digitizing, $10 set up and $12.50 for the sew out equaling $47.50. Yep, she's clueless.

Oh well, I'll embroider her simple name on her apron and appreciate how easy the job will be. The upside is, I can remember how working on this design put a smile on my face and made me laugh over and over. I love it.

Yep, some people demand boring.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good times!

I don't know how to say this without sounding bad, so please don't take it the wrong way. After the formal funeral part of officially saying goodbye to dad, I had a great time.

It was wonderful seeing friends and family I haven't seen in ages. I know dad would be happy he pulled us together. We've become a splintered family throughout the years. My daughter was unhappy about having to introduce herself to relatives. It was a real wake up call to her how alienated she'd let herself get from the family.

She loves the idea Kelly came up with about having a cousin reunion every 5 years in Vegas.

Scott was having a hard time pulling himself together after mom gave him the flag. I think he and Heather believed they were prepared for Pops passing but when the time came, reality set in. I'm going to have to make sure they don't have regrets for working long hours and not getting time to visit Pop. He knows they love him and understands how hard it is to get your career started.

Anyway, I'm hoping this will get them to try harder to make time for gran once in awhile. At least a quick phone call or card will help.

After the funeral, Dave and Scott took dad for a ride. With the flag firmly in Scott's hands they hopped in the Vet and off they went. They both said he was with them. Dave got to 120 mph and Scott just under 140 mph.

Chris and I took this picture at the light just before Dave turned the corner onto the freeway on ramp and we heard the squeal of rubber and off they went. Dave said 30 seconds later he yelled YAHOOO!

When they got to Nana's house, they were happy they'd made Pop proud of their wild ride. Here's to you Pop! Hope you had fun in the Vet yesterday.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This is the last photo I have of Pop when he was still mobile. No he's not asleep. It's hard to tell but he's got a black puppy in his lap. He was always so gentle with all of our pets.

His funeral will be the day after my birthday and I am considering his passing as a gift. My heart is happy he's now at rest.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mom's digs

I had lunch with mom yesterday and finally got to see her new digs. I can see why she's comfortable there, it has the same flavor as her home.
I was warned at how hot it gets in there but it just didn't register. I had on a long sleeve shirt and was wiping sweat off my upper lip. I'll remember to wear clothes I can peel next time. LOL!
I had pictured a little wall with small appliances as her kitchen. I didn't expect it to be this large. This place has the feel of a small apartment.
If you ignore the window not having a window seat, you'd swear you were in the front bedroom of her old house.

The people I met were very nice and caring. The staff is absolutely wonderful. It's going to be a nice facility to reside in. It's obvious she's happy there and I think that's great.
I'll be giving Sue her birthday present today. I'm a bit better than she is on the delivery since I'm only 3 months late and she's bringing my gift from last year's birthday. She's been teasing me with it for a year, so I'm very curious as to what it is. She says someone keeps opening it so I'm thinking maybe a Ferrari or Mazarati. LOL!