While D was at work Sunday I thought I'd go over and work on the deck. The boards coming out of the house were pretty rotten so my job was to sister boards up to them for the new framing.

I was getting ready to work on the first one and decided I wasn't going to get close to these cobwebs. I know there are black widow spiders living among the wood. Yep, I'm a chicken. Remember this pictures. LOL!

I got quite a few of the joists done. I was even able to get all the joist hangers installed. We decided to recycle some of the wood from the old deck that was in good condition. It won't be seen but the rest of the wood that'll be exposed will be the same new stuff D's been using.
We're already putting tons of wood in the landfill so it was time to scout for something that's reusable. It was a hard search since the entire deck was so darn bad.

Remember the cobwebs? Every place I put one of these little screws, D has to go back and put 2 screws next to the house melding the boards together. He made fun of me that I wouldn't work with the spiders but a girl's gotta stick to her guns sometimes. LOL!

On Saturday, I just went over for a short time. I was working on the downspout. D lifted me up on the framing then went to cut some boards in the back. I thought it would take me 10 or so minutes to do my job but it only took about 2. So there I sat until he was done with his job to help me down.
I toyed with the thought of jumping. It doesn't look high from this picture but when you're sitting there, it's high. Add to that, I'd hurt my left knee the day before at work. Don't know what I did but it was very painful. I'm thinkin' it might be an old age thing. sigh....

In the backyard, the neighbors have this scraggly thing that tries to pass as a tree. I've been convinced it's dead because it's been so lifeless. All of the sudden it broke out in these beautiful berries. The tree is still scraggly looking but colorful now.

I can't figure what kind of tree it is. It's almost like a pyracantha but the berries and leaves aren't quite right. It's definitely not a holly. All I can say is it was a nice spot of color.

My trees are more confused than ever this year. Look at this. These are all Raywood Ashes and yet one is already about to drop its leaves while the other is still lush and green. Looks like we'll be enjoying the fall colors for some time to come.
Speaking of trees, we had Davey Tree come out and inspect them and found massive damage to 7 trees and moderate damage to another 10. They're cost to save them....are you ready for this.....$1700! The guy who will prune and deep fertilize them gets $185 an hour. I'm thinking I'm in the wrong business! Hahahaha!
We'll see what J. B. Hunt has to say about that.
I think I have sticker shock.
It's a crying shame about the trees. People just don't appreciate the good work they do cleaning the air, shading us in summer, and plain old looking good. In the Valley they actually add value to your property.
I've noticed the ground is much further away than it used to be. I wouldn't jump from there either.
That's big $$, my guess is that they have insurance for this sort of damage and they will pay to take care of trees.
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