Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Good Wife...kinda...

Earlier this week my boss got flowers from her future daughter in law and son as a thank you for throwing them an engagement party. When I came in Friday, they were on my desk. It was a very nice surprise for 7:15 in the morning.

I went in to thank her for them and her comment was, "I'm sorry, I meant to give them to you yesterday morning. I wanted you to enjoy them longer."

Before D left this morning, he was a bit down and told me how he envies me and my working relationship with my boss. I told him I've had some very nice bosses in the past but Ann walks on water as far as I'm concerned. She appreciates everything I do and asks my opinion on stuff a normal boss wouldn't bother with. I give her way more than 100% of my effort and time. I love her to bits.
I thought I'd be good and clean house today and shampoo the hall and bedroom carpets. While I was working my fingers to the bone, a little black dog was getting into things she didn't belong in.

I came down the hall to refill the tank for the shampooer and saw these batteries on the floor in the kitchen. I know I'd put them on the kitchen table.
When I started shampooing the hall carpet the bills were in a nice neat stack under my purse and my wallet, checkbook and hankie were safe and snug inside of it.

Friday morning Nissie got into my purse and ate my chapstick (again....sigh....) and my bubblegum. Apparently that wasn't enough for her and she went back to the source today for my new tube of chapstick and anything else she could find. Luckily, I gave Janeen at work my last two Pepto Bismal tablets yesterday because she had an upset tummy.

I know it was Nissie because when I was picking up the stuff to put it back in my purse, I glanced down by the bar and she was rolled over on her back showing me her tummy with that, 'Nuttie made me do it' look. I'm thinking it's time to start putting the purse on the bar in the future.

Today I was a good wife by cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. Now I'm sitting here looking at the bills and checkbook balance. My friend Toni said when she noticed she still had money, that meant she needed to pay bills. I see what she means. I've just been procrastinating because yesterday was payday, the checkbook looks healthy and I haven't felt broke for 24 hours.

Maybe tomorrow I'll bite the bullet and make some creditors happy. I'm thinking PG&E and the phone company will be the first on my list.

Well, time to go make some rice for dinner. S called yesterday to say hi and inform his ma Safeway has huge shrimp on sale for $7 a pound. D's going to bring some home tonight so I'll make his favorite Shrimp Victoria for dinner.


Shannon said...

Have you ever watched your dog chew gum? It's quite entertaining. When will she start learning to blow bubbles?

Wudas said...

We had a garage sale and ran outside to deal with some early morning customers. We left our breakfast on the counter in the kitchen. Charlotte is usually very, very good about touching anything on a table or counter. EXCEPT, apparently, bacon. She ate the bacon and part of the potatoes off of D's plate and the rest of the bacon. Almost a whole pound of bacon! But it was okay because just after 2:00 she threw it all up on the lawn. At least she was outside. She isn't used to people food and doesn't get that even if it tastes good doesn't mean she should eat it. Hmmm. Maybe I should read that sentence to myself again.