Last night we were eating dinner and out of the side of my eye I saw dark movement. I turned my head and there was a huge flock of birds taking off and landing on the hill in the backyard.
For once, I had my camera sitting on the end table. I held it backwards over my head (because I had my dinner plate in my lap) and took this shot. This shows about 1/2 of the birds because they'd already taken off by the time I turned on my camera.
It's just cool! Not bad for not seeing what I was taking a picture of. Oh....these are big noisy crows.
Now if the crows were a flock what are these? Gaggle, herd, pack? Doesn't look like a viscous pack does it? The bear is smart. She's hiding in the closet. Although when she does join the wiener club, she just tries to ignore these little imps.
This is Vinnie and Nissie. They've taken to the habit of dumping over the toy basket and taking the bones and toys out. Then they spread them about the house. I come by, pick them up, put them in the basket, turn the basket upright and they show up a little while later and dump it again.
Sometimes Ringo just gets a little overwhelmed so he finds a crate to take a snooze in. I don't know who's crate is who's. He usually goes to this one or the one I'm guessing might be Vinnie's. Sassy always goes to the same crate so I figure there's a 50/50 chance this is actually Ringo's sleeping quarters.
Six wiener dogs is a lot to take care of but they all seem to be getting along just fine. Vinnie and Sassie run around playing (while Ringo & the Bear sleep). Nuttie and Nissie run around playing (while Ringo and the Bear sleep). Vinnie and Nuttie run around playing (while Ringo and the Bear sleep).
Yesterday, Vinnie, Sassie and Nuttie were playing together. Then Sassie got jealous of the fun Nuttie and Vinnie were having and attacked Nuttie. She learned quickly, that isn't tolerated here and has been a perfect angel since. Oh occasionally there's a growl out of Sassie or Nissie but it gets my immediate attention and they straighten up.
Vinnie is treading water a lot. He barks at the drop of a hat. I'm hoping he'll get tired of being squirted in the face. He was much better this morning. Yesterday he started barking around 5 a.m. so D put him in the laundry room, closed the door and then closed the bedroom door. We could still hear him so it was very annoying.
After being wet most of the day from barking, he was pretty quiet this morning. He barked occasionally starting at 4 a.m. (when D got up) but I yelled to him "Vinnie NO!" and he'd settle down for awhile.
I'm thinking of moving him in the bedroom with us tonight so I can squirt him with water when he barks. I'm pretty sure he'll get the idea.
Well, off to finish up some more Walkers for Knockers logos on Tee shirts.
I didn't realize that you were watching Mom & Darryl's dogs while they're visiting Mickey Mouse. That's a whole lot of dogs to take care of at once. I'm sure they keep each other busy.
Vinnie usually doesn't bark until 6am here. That's when I usually get up. But he does hate, hate, hate, water. Squirting works well for both him and Sassy. Ringo just doesn't bark much.
Sometimes it is difficult to squirt them if you are out with the horses or picking up eggs or shoveling manure. I know I should just carry a squirt gun and stop what I'm doing and deal with it but sometimes you just want to finish the chore.
that's a lot of wiener.
I think wieners travel in packs, but I can't be sure.
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