Wednesday, October 29, 2008

As you can see, my son and I  have different priorities when it comes to getting a home ready to move in.  Here's S yacking on the phone and watching Cars on his TV.  Nope, the bed isn't up, the dresser is still in the garage along with tons of boxes but the TV's on the wall, the WII is set up, the cable is on and all the other gaming goodies are ready to go.  YEP!  We are definitely of two different generations with different priorities.  LOL!

I have to admit he did a beautiful installation.  Can you see any wires running down the wall to the power?  NOPE.  I bought D a Seesnake last year for Xmas.  It's this little doohicky you feed into the wall and it has two LED lights fixed to a itty bitty camera so you can see inside the walls.  

Sarah got mad at S because he kept sneaking it around corners  and spying on her.  She can't wait until we tell him to give it back.  The joke could be on her because D's found a bigger better one he'd like.  Guess who'd get the old one if Santa bought him a new one for Xmas this year?  Yep....most likely S.

As you can see, watching Cars is really draining my poor child.  LOL!  Alright, this is where I have to admit he and D brought over three huge loads of things to be put in the house.  You know, little stuff like washer, dryer, side by side refer, queen bed, furniture, etc.

To say the guys were pooped by evening is an understatement.  D went home, I stayed and ate with S and painted a little bit more.  Then I went home to a nice hot bubble bath waiting for me.

Dang I love that thoughtful hubby of mine!


Wudas said...

It looks like the younger Ward generation is settling in just fine.

wilsajedi said...

I think young Scott has unpacked the necessities, very good job.