Well, here's the little gem from the outside. I was going to put these pics on the last post but the blog site was acting squirrly so I gave up. Sometimes it does that but who am I to complain because so far blogging has been free.
Right there on the left of the house behind the white fence/gate is a great big cement pad. Perfect for the Malibu. I understand however, it will be getting the garage and the new, fancy modern cars will be relegated to the cold winter winds and rains. You can tell who S loves the best when it comes to his cars.
S hates the color of the house. He doesn't seem to like living in a peach color house. Maybe he wants fire engine red. Guess I'll have to ask him about that. LOL!

I realize this isn't my house and as a parent I should butt out but don't you think this wall would look better with another window in it right there on the left?
The bedroom in the back has two windows in it. One on each wall, so adding one to this wall would be well within sticking with the design of the house. I know S has and knows how to use a reciprocating saw. Okay, nuff said, I'll hush up now.
It's a cute house. A perfect starter home which will easily lead them into their next home. The kids should be proud of all the wonderful things they are doing to make it theirs.