Thursday, November 3, 2011


First I'd like to say, I forgot Neal. I loved his Halloween costume. He came as....are you ready for this???? Steve Jobs. Hahahahaha! He was hilarious!
Tuesday night was a very quiet night. D was working and I was chilling out in the family room. I got sleepy around 9 so thought I'd head to bed. I know these are hard pictures to figure out but when I went to the bedroom I saw flashing lights reflecting on the walls.
The lot across the road had caught fire earlier in the evening. Each of those spots are fire vehicles. I counted over 20 of them.
It's the long winding road across from us. The house we'd looked at and decided not to buy.
If you put these pictures side by side, you'd get the idea of how many vehicles were there. One right after the other. I didn't even catch all of them because some of my trees were in the way and it was too cold to walk around the driveway to a clearing.

The fire vehicles started at the house and then there were a few at each bend of the road and bumper to bumper once they hit the flat part off the main road.
Now you're going....ahhhh....that house. It burned about 3 acres. I never heard a siren or smelled the smoke. I'm wondering if the sounds were blown away from me because they came from the canyon side, across the backyard and toward the road. The wind sounded like a freight train.

Here's a small article on it:

This is the fear we have every 4th of July, which is why we never leave home during that entire week.

Oh and to address my sister's comment about the mangled finger/thumbs in the family due to power tools....In ER I told D, "You just couldn't leave Ray and Dave to have the cut off fingers...Now could you?" It's interesting (if you can call it that) how the three of them have completely different versions of amputations. Although, Ray gets the first prize if there's one to award. Here's hoping Steve and Darryl can behave themselves and keep all their digits.

I'm thinking by the time the finger heals, it'll look like a mini version on Megan Fox's weird thumb nails. That is if we're lucky. We'll see.

Time to go find me some popcorn. Bones season premier is tonight. I think the occasion calls for either popcorn or ice cream. Since I want to fit into a nice dress for our Christmas Party, I think I'll go for the popcorn.

Tah tah!


Shannon said...

Sounds like an exciting evening.

Kelly O said...

What a crazy evening it was in your neighbourhood.

Wudas said...

I think a fire that close might make me just a tiny bit worried. I've seen how fast and far they can go.