Monday, November 28, 2011

Lots of pics...busy few days....

The girl child surprised us with a short visit over Thanksgiving. It was a complete spur of the moment surprise. It's funny because she talked to S & S and told them she expected to see her new niece or nephew when she visited. Guess we know who's boss in this family. LOL!

She's always avoided touching or holding babies but admitted she had been practicing with a bag of flour. Hahahahaha! Thatzah my girl!
Here's the proud grand dad! No there are no picture of me. I'm always on the other side of the camera and nobody ever thinks of taking a picture of me with my own camera. sigh..... I'm blatantly absent in all my children's pictures also. It's the price of being the guy behind the lense.
Okay, this guy is jut not tired enough. Guess we know who's getting up and feeding the little one.
No Coco is not snarling. He just yawned. Just thought Nana would like a picture of her grandson.

S is looking much more rested on this day.
H got mad because I snapped this when she wasn't 'posing'.
Thursday, D sold the cab of the truck. Finally! Yesterday (Sunday) we worked on putting it in position so the guy could pick it up this week.
D previously made a dolly for it to sit on so he could roll it out of the way when necessary. One of the wheels came loose so he had to repair it. Look ma, no circular saw in sight.
It didn't take long to rotate the cab into position. Let's hope loading it onto the guys trailer will go without a hitch. D needs to make a couple of skids so they can slide the beast onto the flat bed trailer.
While D was working on the wheel, I was sweeping leaves. This reminded me of when we were kids and dad would rake all the leaves into pile and we'd play in them. This is just a small sample of what I did. I got sidetracked and just stood there and enjoyed the view. Sometimes I do that.
Today was a wildlife day. I woke up to deer eating the front lawn. We need more rain so they'll stay on the hill.
When the mist melted away we had more turkeys on the hill. No these aren't the rerun of the pics I posted earlier. Just another day with the beasts. I told D if he could train the stupid things we'd never have to till a firebreak. They're scratching the hill and picking up anything they can see to eat.

If we could get them to do it on command and dictate where, we'd have a nice weedless hillside. LOL!
When I got back from the store this afternoon, there we two coyotes just outside the fence. They look monotone here but they were actually very spotted. Look how fat they are. I suspect they've been catching turkeys. Go coyotes go!
I met D next door to work on the deck for awhile. When I came down the driveway the pyracantha were swimming in turkeys. Proof they fly enough to get in the trees of bushes. It's hard to see but there are 5 in this small section of bush. When they saw the car, they flew down in a panic. I was driving through feathers like it was snowing. LOL!
Isn't this just as pretty shot? No not the icky turkeys, I mean the leaves on the ground.
D's been working on steps for the deck. These are the ones in the front.
I added support brackets to them today so D wouldn't have to.
When I left, D was finishing up the back risers. I can't wait until the actual decking starts to go on all this framing.

Well that's it. Family, animals and projects. I'm pooped. I think it'll be nice going back to work tomorrow. Although I have to admit, I really enjoyed having 5 days in a row off.


Shannon said...

Wow! You've been busy. It's great to see how well everyone is doing. I like Scott's t-shirt, "I'm the evil twin", very funny. It's great to see photos of Heather too!

Wudas said...

Heather looks prettier when she's not posing.

Great photos! I'm glad to see the baby is doing just fine. If Sarah is breast feeding it would be difficult for Scott to feed the baby during the night.

I used to enjoy the night feedings. It was so quiet and peaceful with just me and my wee one close and cosy.

Kelly O said...

Pretty pictures today. I love the one looking down the driveway. The fall colours there are so pretty.

Nice to see Scott and his new family doing so well and looking rested.