I'm convinced I've inherited the crazy gene. For a woman who deals in color and design on a daily basis...this combo is a bit over the top.
Those are my first pair of socks Nana made me. Because of the dense fog this morning, the cold seems to creep into each crack and crevice of the house. Soooo...to keep my legs and feet warm, I put on my Nana socks and pulled out a pair of the leg warmers my mother in law made me back in the late 70's. Yep, I have matching hats for each pair of leg warmers.
Once in awhile I think I should throw the leg warmers away, then a cold day comes along and out of the drawer they come. They're sooooooo warm. I can keep the upper part of my body warm but the lower legs and feet can't seem to find heat these days.
For you knitters out there, I'd suggest knitting up a pair of these. Ignore the funny looks the family will give you when you put them on over your jeans. Just smile and enjoy the warmth they bring your legs.
Other than the 5 days it took me to put up Christmas decorations, my house has been spotless the past couple of months. I'm really enjoying just giving it a lick and a promise each morning.
I was looking for my Christmas bedding and just couldn't stand the linen closet. I pulled everything out the other day and got about 1/3 of it put back in order. Today I think I'll tackle the rest of the job. I get a bee in my bonnet about this kind of stuff about once in awhile. Why I picked Christmas to make this mess is beyond me.
Again, I'm convinced it's the crazy gene.
Leg warmers are semi-back in fashion these days. I keep hearing they are in fashion but haven't seen a single person wearing them. I've thought about whipping up a couple pair.
I've never owned or worn a pair of leg warmers. As long as my feet are warm, I'm good.
I see people wearing them around town occasionally, but I am not really ready to embrace the 80's again quite yet.
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