Friday, September 11, 2009

The Adventure Begins!

As most of you would agree, there's no such thing as having too many bags. So after embroidering goodies for the Bear, I decided D needed one for his car/truck stuff. Yep, those are the current brands in the fleet right now.
Monday, we began a secret mission. I finished up part one of an order for a customer so I could clear my schedule. A few days earlier I ran around town doing banking & stuff in preparation for the trip. I got maps, packed everything we'd need and put the bear in the truck.

Here's D waiting patiently for me to take a picture of him so we could leave. It's hard to tell but he's waiving.

Hmmm....where are we going? Why are we going there?
D actually made it almost to Lodi before he experienced his first Starbucks withdrawals. I think he was experiencing the DT's. LOL!
Here's your first hint of where we're going. Yep, we're headed North.
This picture actually makes Lake Shasta look fuller than it is. In person, it's actually frightening at how low the water level is.
Speaking of Shasta. There it is. I'm hoping for a nice hard winter that will put tons of snow back on it's peak.
Pete, California is one of the most beautiful states in this country. We have so many micro climates. From desert to mountains. This is between Mt. Shasta California and Weed. Just when you think all you'll see are miles and miles of tree covered mountains, you round a corner and here's this huge rock mountain peaking out above the trees.

Now continue down the blog postings to see where else we went. There are 5 posts in all. One right after the other.


Shannon said...

You should have stopped in Redding to see the sundial bridge. It's very cool.

dwgnldy said...

We looked at property in Redding just before the bridge was completed. We went through the Turtle Bay Exploration Park. It's a very nice museum.

Kelly O said...

the river here in our area is the lowest I have ever seen too. We need rain and as much as I am not ready for it, snow.