I promised on yesterday's post I'd try to clean up the pictures on my desktop and post them. So consider me on a roll. Two posts in two days. Go me!
If you look really...really....really...r.e.a.l.l.y....hard you can see 7:57 in this picture. It was pitch black in the bedroom and this is the time displayed on my ceiling.
D. keeps unplugging his clock radio and moving it around the house, so he's always missing his alarm. I decided I'd set mom's clock up on his nightstand. I turned on the feature that displays the time on the ceiling. Sisters, you really messed up giving this to me. It is soooooo cool! You really need to run out and get one for yourselves. I love it!
Even though the display is above D's side of the bed, I can easily see it. No more having to lift my head off the pillow to view the time. Whenever I do that, it wakes me up and I can't get back to sleep.
This is side 1 of the 3 sided deck D has been working on. Look how pretty and green the lawn is. That's because D spent a week working on the sprinkler system which was totally out of whack.
Side one almost finished with the framing. D put me to work on Labor Day finishing up this part of the frame in.
I should have taken better pictures of how dangerous and rotted this deck was. I took some pictures of side two but not enough.
D finished up this corner last week. It was a real pain in the patoot. If you look very close, you can see where none of the pillars holding the deck up are straight. Not only were they not straight but some of them we're completely disconnected from their bases.
This is how rotted the wood was. Walking on the deck was very iffy at best.
These are the steps on side one...the front of the deck. They are so rotted and the nails have all pulled away I was actually scared to climb them in order to take pictures. I ended up stepping smack dab in the center where there's a support. They rocked and bowed when I stepped on them.
This is side two where D pulled off the old deck. He brought in 4 loads of gravel.
This looks simple but I think D used every swear word he knew in getting this corner lined up.
The second phase of the deck will be a step up from the first. Working the corner of the deck was an engineering feat. LOL! Friday, D already had 1/4 of the framing of the second part done. He's still got a long way to go.
It looks like the deck is coming along nicely.
I have always been intrigued by those clocks that display the time on the ceiling. I have never bought one though, I am afraid I will clock watch all night long and not get any sleep.
The deck looks like a huge project, they will be very happy when it is all done and safe.
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