Finally, I can go out and start the Grandma thing. I ordered the crib for S&S which is my gift to them. Then I went Craigslist shopping. S wanted a Jungle Jumperoo and it happened one of the places I was going had one. She went nuts that I bought it because it matches the theme of the baby's room.
I was actually headed to buy this swing when the Jumperoo issue arose. This is so completely different than the swing we used to crank for Paul. I can still remember trying to wind it up without waking him.
Don't know what happened to the corner of this picture. Hmm....a Tuesday morning mystery. Oh well. This is the Pack n Play I bought to keep here for the baby visits. Play pens have come a long way since I last used one.
I digitized the giraffe and then S sent me her updated version so I scrapped what I did and digitized her version.
Here's the sample sewout. Now I need to go find some yellow polka dot fabric for the background. I'm really enjoying digitizing these little creatures.
Saturday S, her mom, Margie and I went to a baby swap. You bring baby stuff, pay $5 at the door and then take whatever you want. For free! We left with an almost identical swing for S and newborn diapers, a changing mat, tons of newborn clothing and bibs. S. spent the rest of the day laundering items. It was really a lot of fun!
I need to get on it and get the birth present crocheted. I got the shower one done a loooong time ago. I guess frogs are still okay?
When is her due date? It looks like preparations are coming along quickly!
Looks like things moving along with the baby preperations.
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