Guess what I did after work last night? You got it. J.K. Rowling did a fantastic job pulling the story together.
These are pictures I used my 'screen shot' feature to get. They're from the clip of the movie I watched on line.
I love the blues in this shot.
S and I have argued throughout the books about Snape. From book one I said he was a friend and protecting Harry. He didn't come to that conclusion for a couple of books but was right when he though Snape hated Harry but was protecting him for some reason.
The job D just quit had a guy who worked on this Dragon. He said every 5 frames were his work. D said he was very talented and shy. He got embarrassed when he showed D some of his beautiful work.
I didn't remember Grimhook getting killed in the book. Guess I'll have to go back and read it for the 5th time.
If you haven't seen this movie, do it. That's all I can say. It was fast and very enjoyable.
We saw it last Friday night. I thought it was pretty good. I don't think it needed to be in 3D and no I don't think Grimhook gets killed in the book.
I may have an unpopular comment, I love the books, have read and reread them, listened to them on CD they are wonderful.
I think the from the third movie on the movies were just not that good. They are sometimes filmed so dark that you can't see the details and they leave out details that make the series so great. I have not seen the last movie and only made it through the the first 40 min of the the first part of 7 and turned it off.
The books are just so much better!
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