Peggy and I were talking about computers when we were working a couple of weekends ago and I mentioned D had a cube. She couldn't get a picture of it in her head. Anyway Peggy, here it is. It's the one on top. It's 6.5" x 6.5" x 2".
The thing it's sitting on is an external hard drive. His computer automatically backs up everything if you attach it to an outside hard drive. Then if his computer ever crashes, he has everything safe and sound in a secondary location. I upgraded my computer to Snow Leopard so now mine will automatically back up to an outside source too.
That goofy looking wire thing is a base he made for my beautiful black lamp. I could have killed him for modifying my lamp. Anyway, he thinks it's great because he has his computer goodies under the lamp.
Both of our computers will run Windows but for now we'll use the PC's for that and keep the Macs free of the bugs associated with it. I'm letting the person I take digitizing lessons from experiment with using Windows on her iMac for her work. In the beginning she said it was a nightmare and now it's settled down. Once she gives the, 'go ahead', I might venture into doing an occasional design on the Mac using Windows.
So there ya go, Peggy. That's a Macintosh Cube.
I have had a back up thingy for a long time. D is always telling me to back stuff up. But I forget. And it's easy so I don't know why I don't. I'm hoping that the mirrored hard drives on my computer will save my bacon I suppose. I have two hard drives and my files save to both automatically so if one crashes the other has my stuff on it. That's the theory anyway.
I don't back up any of my stuff. Maybe I should.
I have a MacBook and I love it. Paul hooks mine up to our external hard drive about once a month and backs me up.
It drives me nuts when he plays with my computer, I need to keep in mind he is helping me when he steals it from me.
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