Monday, June 27, 2011


Here are the characters I'm going to digitize and sew out for a quilt for the baby. I digitized the monkey this weekend but didn't have time to sew it out.
I finished the panda and it's shown below.
I think I know what I'm going to do with the lion but it's a bit vague in my brain. Sometimes I don't know what I'll do until I'm actually in the process of doing it.
This is why I do a sew out. Look between his eyes. I didn't get the fabric flat enough and he looks like he's been hit in the head and has a bump there. Hahahaha!

The bear went to the vet and it turns out she didn't have an anal gland rupture. Are you ready for this? I looks like a foxtail went in one side of her thigh and worked its way out the other. Ewwww....ouch and ick.


Shannon said...

The panda looks good. I'm glad that the bear is doing well.

Wudas said...

We have lots of foxtails and I examine the dogs daily. Especially Ringo. I know they can cause a lot of damage. They don't seem to bother the horses. The horses just eat them!

Kelly O said...

I am glad to hear that Bear will be feeling better soon. Wicked, nasty foxtail. Did the Vet give something for pain control, that looks like it really hurts.