Monday, December 8, 2008

The Real Story

I am such a horrible daughter.  Look at this poor woman, she's exhausted.  She spent the morning taking the Christmas decorations out of the boxes and putting them on the coffee table.  A taxing job to be sure, considering the amount of boxes I have.  We barely touched the surface of getting the stuff out and put around the living and family rooms.

We had to take a break in the afternoon and watch Disney movies.  See how quickly she got in her 'spoil the wiener dog' mode?  She only has two for the moment.  The little bump under her right hand is A.  As you can see, N is headed for the chair so she could take her place in mom's lap. Nope she's not letting the other two hog all the grandmother heat.
So here's the night version of mom's visit here.  As you can tell, she's really resisting the dogs. Yep, she wanted to go run around the circle for a bit of exercise but those darn doxies held her down.  I know it's hard to tell but there are three in her lap.  See G's red and white Christmas coller?  If you look real close you can see the brown and white spots of N (she's hiding under mom's left arm).

My dogs are very loving and the only reason they decided to grace mom's lap was to keep her from venturing far.  Since they aren't allowed past the backyard, they wouldn't be able to rescue her if she and her walker rolled down the driveway.

Do I have thoughtful guard dogs or what?


Shannon said...

Looks like life is tough over at your house.

Thank you very much for watching Morgan and Taylor so that Will & I could go to a movie. Thank you also for dinner. It was very nice seeing you, Uncle Dave, Scott and Sarah.

Wudas said...

Geeze, I guess Mom had to make do with only three dogs. Here she has four to watch out for her. Yup, all on the couch with her. Darryl and I sit in the chairs...alone. I believe the woman has gone to the dogs.