Saturday, December 6, 2008

As you can see Gran is having a tough time adjusting here.  Yesterday she was a Mac whiz, today she's taking the Dell for a test spin.  I think the Mac is better for her eyesight because it's a 24" monitor.  I'm hoping it will lessen the eyestrain a little so she can enjoy what's she doing longer.

She's missing one important thing....oops...three important things.  The dogs.  When I'm in that chair, I'm covered in dashshund.  How is it she's able to enjoy the cushy chair without all that additional fur?  I need to find out what her secret is.

Now here's a dog that knows what's important.  While the little ones are hogging up the desk chair, G has firmly planted her carcass in front of the space heater.  Now you'd think since she carries that long hair fur coat around with her everywhere, she wouldn't need additional heat.  I guess the grayer you get the more heat you need.  LOL!
Believe it or not, I actually share this chair with these two little hogs.  Yep...they allow me to teeter on the edge of the seat and work on the computer.  Heaven help me if I'd like to actually use all the chair for my tookus.  It really is a dog's life around here.  N is out for the count but A is sneaking a peek.  You'll note her head is just too heavy to lift for the camera.


Shannon said...

Everyone looks nice and relaxed.

Wudas said...

Hot Dog!