I had today as a lay around be a bum day then I went to the bathroom. Not this one but the one the down the hall. While sitting there I realized how dusty everything was. Not dirty but dusty. So I finished going potty and immediately started cleaning the room. Even with the floor and toilet it took about 15 minutes.
It felt and looked so good I headed to the laundry bathroom.
This is the before picture. It wasn't very dirty just dusty and tired. So, I tackled it.
This is the after picture. I know it looks the same but it's sparkling and smells fresh. Nuts, I forgot to drain the bleach out of the sink. Guess I'll do that when I'm done with this post.
After the bathroom, I wandered into the kitchen. This is the before picture. Not much to do. Just a few things to put away but I hadn't cleaned the counter next to the big window in ages so it was dusty and dull looking.
I'll know when we have to sell the house when I can't climb on the counter and clean around the sink anymore. LOL!
Here's the after picture. Not much different, except all the appliances are scrubbed and shiny along with the counters. Believe it or not, I spent almost 2 hours working on this beast. Maybe it took longer because I was listening to Harry Potter on my portable DVD player. See it there on the counter in the foreground? It was the best gift D has ever given me.
Of course since I was in the kitchen I might as well tackle the eating area. I don't think I've swept the floor in over a week so it really needed. And those books on the chair are the new phone books I set there around 2 weeks ago.
Whenever I clean the eating area, I have to turn the table a different direction. It makes me feel like I did something productive. LOL!
While I was tackling the house, the dogs got to go outside for awhile. The weeds have been whacked so they can spend some time in the sun once in awhile. I have to watch Nuttie though because she'll stay out until her tummy is sunburned.
With the kitchen and bathrooms done, I thought I'd do some laundry. Then I decided the laundry room was a mess. Okay, it's not that bad but compared to the other rooms, it's a mess.
What you don't see here is the ice cream D always leaves stuck to the washer/dryer and counter. For some reason he has an allergy to cleaning up sticky stuff when he dishes our Friday night treat.
With the laundry almost done, appliances clean of ice cream stickies, the baker's rack straightened and the floor washed, I'm happy.
When the dogs heard the dryer door open then close and me walk, they ran in the house somehow knowing I had the blankets to the Bear's bed. They just love the blankets hot from the dryer.
I thought I was done but then headed to the bedroom to get more laundry. My mother always said, "If the bed is not made, then the room looks a mess. If you make the bed, you almost instantly have a clean room." Well, she's right. Although, D did a pretty good job decorating the furniture with his clothing.
Once I got the bed made and D's clothes put away it was time to tackle my side.
As you can see I didn't have nearly the amount of clothes to put away, but I somehow collected more garbage on my nightstand.
It only took minutes to take care of my side. I think the bedroom took less than 10 minutes total to straighten up. It's driving me nuts my dresser hasn't been painted yet. I'm still waiting for summer to start. We haven't had enough consistently hot days to take the dresser outside to sand and paint. With the fog and overcast in the mornings, the wood would warp before I could paint it.
I'm one of the few people hoping for a week of 90 degree weather. Then I could get my darn dresser done!
Noe came out and weed whacked the yard the other day. I love it when he's done. It always makes the yard look bigger.
The downside is, now I have bits and pieces of weeds all over the patio. Part of me is thinking I should locate the blower and clean up the yard. The other is saying, "Find your Kindle!"
I'm thinking the 'other' voice is winning out. But first I'd better address the birthday cards to my sisters. I bought then awhile back and just found them during my cleaning process. They made me laugh out loud so I thought Andi & Nana would also get a chuckle out of them.
Happy Saturday friends and family. I think I have a kindle to locate.