I've been embroidering like a mad woman the past few weeks. Yesterday I took a few minutes out to just watch the deer. Sometimes I forget to take a moment and appreciate the beauty around me. I think it's a major flaw of my species.
I watch babies turn into adults. I can't keep track of who is who because....well frankly they all look the same to me. It is nice to see them turn into their own mini family units.
There are 8 ladies in this unit/herd. I was able to get 5 of them in one picture. Look at the handle of the BBQ and you'll see a pretty little gal standing there.
We watch the males grow their antlers. It seems like a slow process then one day everyone has a pretty respectable pair their sporting. This is a young buck. He hasn't taught his ladies not to get so close to the house.
I love that they feel safe here but would prefer they have a respectful fear of humans. It'll give them a better chance of survival.
Time to ask Santa for a new paintball gun for Christmas. I need to teach the newbies to stay on the hill where it's safe.
I've been trying to digitize a mustang (car). It's frustrating me like you wouldn't believe. I decided a few minutes ago to start putting out some Christmas decorations. I'm gonna do it slow and take my time.
Right now, I'm going to take an hour or so and see if I can get some of my Christmas stockings embroidered with names. I've been meaning to get it done but something always came up and I just didn't get around to it.
Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. Just D, H and I. In the evening D's brother and sister in law surprised us with a visit. It's been almost two years since we've seen them. That's sad considering they live in CV. My goal in 2010 is to be better at keeping in touch with family and friends. I hate having to catch up with everyone at weddings and funerals.
Yup. I am making a stab at the staying in touch thing myself.
Say...do you ever find antler around that have been shed?
No. They'd be in the canyon somewhere. I avoid that area because of ticks and snakes.
In the 25 years we've been here, only the females die on our property.
beautiful animals. What a treat to have them right out your back your door.
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