Life around here is pretty simple if you're a canine. Get up, eat breakfast, potty & poop. For some reason lately Nissie just won't do her 3 duties. Oh...she's got no problem with the eat breakfast and potty, the third seems to be the issue.
Sooooo....instead of lazing at the window with the nice warm sun beating on her black fur in the morning, she gets put back in her taxi. Does that look sad or what?
To prove that a mother doesn't care much after her children are grown, Nuttie hogs the sun and doesn't seem to miss Nissie getting in the way one bit. I think she's convinced the little one not to do her 3rd duty in the morning so she can have the window to herself.
Okay check this out. I find this absolutely hilarious. Nana came up with the graphic for me and I spent two days digitizing and perfecting it. I sewed out this sample for the customer. Ya know what she said to D? "What is it? I don't get it?" She works in the garden department of HD. Even after D explained it, she still didn't see the humor in a Venus Flytrap eating a frog.
This is what she picked for her apron. What a drag! I'm offering a graphic for FREE if she'll advertise for me. First she wanted I created 4 designs for her. She didn't like any of them. Then she wanted a Venus Flytrap so Nana and I came up with this. Nope...didn't pass the muster.
My sister warned me about people demanding ugly, she never warned me about people who see the world in beige and have no personality. Last night D gave me more insight about this woman and I'm convinced she sees the world in gray and beige. Talk about a boring life.
She also doesn't get the fact that if she ordered this from any other embroiderer it would have cost her $25 for digitizing, $10 set up and $12.50 for the sew out equaling $47.50. Yep, she's clueless.
Oh well, I'll embroider her simple name on her apron and appreciate how easy the job will be. The upside is, I can remember how working on this design put a smile on my face and made me laugh over and over. I love it.
Yep, some people demand boring.
The venus fly trap is very funny!
I also forgot to tell you that people will tell you they want something different and when you give it to them they edit it until it looks exactly like what they had before.
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