Friday, February 20, 2009

Itza Dawgs Life question about it.  I'm gonna come back to life as a dog.  Then I'm gonna pick the home of one of my future family members to live in.  You can see how stressed out Nuttie was this morning.  Such exhaustion comes from guarding the kingdom 24 hours a day.
Well, she did move her head long enough for her daughter to join her.  That probably took so much out of her energy reserve she had to rest more.
Now the Bear here deserves a break.  She's so exhausted from dealing with a year old puppy even the hair on her ears is messed up.  Nuttie will run from room to room like a rocket with Nisie burning up energy.  The Bear here just rolls over on her back with her feet up in the air, makes these grumbling noises that sound like a bear in the woods and lets the puppy jump on her head while rolling it from side to side.  It's the maximum amount of effort this 13 year old Dachshund can muster.

On days where they're all being brats, I try to explain to them about the dogs in the world that aren't as lucky as they are and live with bad humans.  Hoping they'll settle down and be good.   They look at me lovingly like there's no such thing as being mean to an animal.  Ignorance is definitely bliss around here.

1 comment:

Wudas said...

Yup, it looks like that here. The biggest hardship they face is a day without sun coming through a window for a good nap.