Sunday, March 4, 2012

It was a good week....

Last week was my boss's birthday. She's allergic to flowers, yet people keep sending them to her. The upside is, she gives them to me to take home and enjoy.

She got two deliveries last week. I got one to take home and the other is sitting on the bar at work for the rest of the employees to enjoy.

Also, last week they gave out bonuses. Having never worked for a company who did that, I expected only the sales staff would receive them. Nope...she gave me an envelope with a very generous check in it with instructions not to pay bills or blow it on the baby. Hahahaha! Her suggestion was to take a weekend trip.

I won't tell her today it's buying two tons of pellets and next week will buy brakes for my car. Most likely a radiator too. But I refuse to spend any of it on D's medical bills.
If you wrack your brain, you'll remember way back at Christmas we ran out of water. Then on New Years, and again and again. We called the well guy out and he charged us almost $300 to say nothing was wrong with it. DUH!

D suspected it was the above part so I went on a search for one. The cheapest I found it was $89 + shipping. Well, somehow it got put on the back burner and each time the well would stop, D would go out fiddle with something and we'd have water again.

Last week I got fed up and told him to just go buy the part! He went to the same well guys who came out and told them he needed this part. The guy said, "Wow that's an old one. I think I might have one somewhere around here". He took off to the back room and came back awhile later with one in tow. He charged D....are you ready for this????? Eight bucks! I said, why didn't you ask him if he had two so we'd have one on hand when this happened again? LOL!
Anyway, D pulled out the part and was disgusted to see this. See the little prongs on the right? Well, there should be a matching set on the left. Almost $300 and the well guy didn't see this. D said it was the first thing the guy should have checked.

I was a good wife and bit back, " why didn't you check it before calling them out?" Smirk...smirk...LOL!

D and I got into a discussion the other day and decided men and women see things from a different perspective. I've been healthy as a horse until last week. I got a cold but being a huge fan of Zicam, it was much weaker than it could have been. Anyway, a week ago Friday I woke up twice with D and I almost forehead to forehead while sleeping. He'd had a horrible cold and I was avoiding him like the plague. When I came down with it, I accused him of giving it to me. His comment was, " stole it from me!!!"

Yep, we definitely see things from different perspectives. LOL!


Shannon said...

I find it frustrating that men see things so differently. After dealing with that all day at work, I come home and have to interpret what I say so that Will understands me. Which he doesn't do for me.

Wudas said...

They speak a different language, that's for sure!

I'm so glad you have your well fixed. It could get messy with a baby and no water!

Kelly O said...

Nice to have water. I would call the guy that I paid $300 to and let him what he missed. Worse case he does nothing, best case he reimburses you a bit of his fees.