Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just rambling on....

I'll be rambling a bit in this blog. I just had so many cool pictures I couldn't decide which ones to omit.

After having two kids of his own, D is still a bit intimated when holding Em. It's like he's afraid to have her sit up. It's rather funny.
One of the very few pictures of me with my granddaughter. I'm usually on the other side of the camera.
The boy child decided to take a shot at growing a beard while he was home. He's back to work now, so I'm guessing he's clean shaven again.

Look at those rosy cheeks. If he had white hair and beard, he'd make a great Santa! Hahahahahahaha!
This will be the outside trim for the deck. D decided to keep it clean and simple.
For those who thought the deck was skinny, that's true. I would have made it bigger but it's 5' deep on the front and back.
On this side, it's 10' deep. Look at that, the old gal still has it! This was Monday. We had President's day off so decided to do some deck work. It was cold but I really enjoyed myself. The next day I was a bit stiff and my knees were sore from standing up and down but I was happy.
Last Saturday I went shopping with S and the baby. She took me to a really cool place that sells unique second hand stuff. I'm ashamed to say, I've owned a ton of the stuff they were selling. I'd bought it all new years ago. Hahahaha! And their vintage clothes??? Oh my, it's the stuff we wore to school mixed in with what our mother's were wearing at the time. Talk about feeling old!

Anyway, I found this really cool rolling pin. It has chrome handles and a copper roller and cost me a whopping $8. My favorite rolling pin is a glass one my mother-in-law always used. You could fill it with warm or ice water depending on the dough you're working with. The cap cracked and then I lost it so I can't use it like I used to. I think this one will be much nicer to use than my wooden one. We'll see.....
I'm jealous because the neighbor's flowering plum is blooming and all of mine are still in the bud stage.
The neighbor also has this plant. It grows huge and the deer don't seem to like it. I need to take a clipping to the nursery and find out what it is. I love the little yellow nubs on it.
Since the truck has been out of commission, we use my car to take the garbage down the road. This is D sitting on the tailgate holding onto the two garbage cans. He's only fallen off once. He decided it would be a good thing to do right after work. He had on nice slacks instead of jeans and rolled out the back when we got to the steep part of the hill like he was sitting on butter.

It was hilarious!
I just couldn't resist taking this picture the other day. It's actually darker than it was in person. It reminded me of a baby blanket. It was a lighter pink and baby blue. Just beautiful to look at.
Nissie drives me nuts every night around 5. She wants to go to bed and won't leave me alone until I put her down for the night. Then if I go in the bedroom to get something, she looks at me like I'm punishing her.

If I let her out, she'll drive me nuts to put her back to bed. Yet if I leave the door open, she won't go in by herself. It's a darn puzzle. LOL!


Shannon said...

Our plum tree is starting to bloom as well. So far our cherry tree isn't blooming which is good. I found out today, that cherry trees are usually the last trees to bloom.

Wudas said...

You are so little you make that deck look pretty darn big!

Wudas said...

You are so small you make any deck look huge!

Kelly O said...

Laughing at mom's comments and trying to behave.

Great post, I love the updates and the mix, a little bit of everything.