Well, the other day I got a bee in my bonnet and decided to tackle a job that was loooooong overdue. My dresser. With the new 'energy saving' lightbulbs there isn't enough light in the morning to see in my dresser to get my lingerie. So, I end up making a mess out of it.
In an attempt to simplify things and make my mornings easier, I dumped the contents the entire dresser and drawers (except 1) out on the bed and ruthlessly decided what to keep and what to throw away.
I was very strong. I tried on bras, undies and nylons. If I had to think more than 5 seconds on if I'd wear it again, it went in the garbage bag. I threw away brand spanking new and expensive bras. If they weren't comfortable as soon as I put it on, out it went. Hm....I don't even feel bad thinking about it today.
I ended up almost filling to the top, a big bag that we get 40 pounds of pellets in. If I couldn't find the mate to a sock, out it went! If I find the mate later, I'll toss that too. I now have a small spot I keep mismatched socks in. If it gets too large, in the trash they'll go and I'll start fresh again.
It took almost half a day for this job but I feel better already!
Mismatched socks are in. You might be missing a bet there.
The Spring cleaning bug has been biting me a bit as well. I bought a couple of new shirts lately so it is time to clean out my closet. I try to clean it out every time I pick up a couple of new things that way I don't end up with to much. It's a good thing I don't shop for clothes all that often.
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