It's been a long few weeks. I've been working my day job and embroidering on my time off. That is, when I haven't come home and just crashed. Yep, there have been days when I came home and went to bed at 6:30. Which proves, I'm definitely not as young as I used to be. LOL!
A customer called and wanted to know if I could cover a logo on her husbands favorite suede jacket. I took a look at it and figured the only way was to do an applique. The logo was white background with gold lettering. I thought that would be too stark on the beautiful jacket but he was adamant about using white/gold company colors, so I sewed the sample on a piece of leather I had. She and her husband fell in love with it and immediately disregarded the white background idea.
It was a tough applique to do because the old logo was sewn very close to the zipper. Normally logos are placed centered on the left chest. Whoever did this one didn't have a clue on the placement. Add to the fact it was a huge logo. Luckily they gave me creative freedom to adjust the logo as I saw fit to make it work.
In order to do that, I was able to adjust the boarder to be higher than it was on the original logo so it covered what was underneath.
It's hard to tell, but the piece of leather I used almost matches the stripe on the collar and cuffs exactly.
This is my booboo. It doesn't look like much but it hurt like you know what. My husband was helping me move a cabinet at work and didn't wait when I said wait. He crushed it between the back of the big black cabinet and metal shelf on a whiteboard.
This picture was taken the day after and doesn't show the bruising or swelling. It's been two weeks and the blood blister is just now raised enough where I can start picking it out.
It still hurts like you know and I'm convinced he broke it in a couple of places. Having broken it before, I know they can't do much about it but splint it and hope for the best. Today, at least I'm able to bend it and type. I'll give it another few weeks and work on some of the old PT I did last time I broke it.
I've sold some Zoobies in the past couple of weeks and put a name on a pillow sham someone at work bought from Pottery Barn Kids. It was really adorable and she wanted his name sewn on the baseball bat. It turned out very nice but I completely forgot to take a picture of it.
That's it for now. I just haven't been on the computer lately and have been exhausted when I've come home from work so I haven't blogged. I need to pay more attention to it because I always feel better after I've posted something. I think it's therapeutic.
You husband is on restriction. Tell him I said so. He is to only break his own body parts. He is restricted from breaking yours. People don't realize even a small cut on a finger can be painful because you use the darn finger all the time without even thinking about it. So my advice to you is put the largest bandage you can on it. Then wrap your hand in a wrist splint. Then put your arm in a sling. And then, and only then, will you get the proper amount of respect for your injured digit. The respect a hardworking digit should get since it works all the time. Then lie on the sofa with your favorite beverage and explain how you will heal better if you are properly hydrated. Then your husband will understand what sorrow he has caused you. And if you think that this will make him listen to you any better...well...start stuffing cotton in your ears to pad the rocks rattling around in your head.
I recently had a cut on my finger and it hurt a lot. I've found no matter how small the wound, that a band aid helps. It protects your wound wether it's an open wound or not.
I hope that things slow down a bit for you soon so you can get some rest.
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