It's been a tough morning. I refused to get up with the fog so stayed in bed until 7:45 reading. Then I got up, fed and watered the dogs, started my bath, made the bed, brushed my teeth, hopped on top of the bed and read until my bath was ready. Soaked in the tub about 1/2 hour, got up, dried and curled my hair stumbled to the kitchen and made a P&J or brunch. Now I'm hanging around the computer fnartin' around.
I cleaned the Mac's desktop....oh the pain I endured moving the multitude of folders to the files they belonged in. I think I sprained a finger. LOL! I can actually see the desktop picture now. I'll have to post it. It's cool. It's D & S in their overalls after parachuting out of a perfectly functional airplane. My mind just doesn't understand the thrill of plummeting toward the earth at breakneck speeds. See....I not only don't get it, I actually had to look up how to spell plummeting.
Check out these goofy pictures. I took these a few months back when the dogs were still on Iams. They're now on BilJack. I love the stuff. You feed them less and their coats are healthy and shiny. BilJack doesn't have all the additives and chemicals like the other brands.
Anyway, I keep the dog food in the laundry closet in a large container. I'd just dumped the contents in the bin then left the room before discarding the bag. I came back not 90 seconds later and here was Nuttie up to her butt in the bag. Nisie wasn't the least bit happy. She had her hair standing up and was trying to intimidate Nuttie into getting out of the bag.

I coaxed Nuttie out of the bag and was working on getting her out of the laundry room when Nisie shot into the bag. You can see her hair standing on end here. She wasn't as willing as Nuttie. I had to grab her by the tail and pull her out.. Yes...I learned my lesson and now discard the bag before even leaving the room.
Today is my make up dentist appointment I missed last week because D didn't leave me keys to the truck. Which by the way, he's made an additional set and it's safely in my purse. They're attached to my key ring with my red house key and red light. There's no pretending they're his keys now. My momma didn't raise no dummy!
I'm just doing my biannual teeth cleaning so it's no big deal. Happily, I don't get cavities as an adult. I didn't get many as a kid but they are practically non existent as an adult. Now I'm at the stage where we're slowly replacing the old silver fillings as they wear out. I don't mind because they're replaced with porcelain so are the same color as my teeth.
Unfortunately what I do experience as I age, is my teeth get fine cracks. That's where crowns come in. So I figure the youth of America keep the dentist busy with fillings and the seniors of America keep them busy with crowns. LOL!
I think I'll mess around a bit longer then go in and start packing up for the next few days at mom's house. I need to make a last minute list of things to take so I don't forget anything. I've got some shipments coming in tomorrow I forgot about. I need to send emails to some customers telling them I'm pushing their jobs to the middle of next week. They're repeat customers and really nice so I don't foresee any problems.
I'm signing off until sometime next week. I'll be looking forward to reading your blogs and catching up on what you've all been doing when I get back. So keep posting!