H returned for a very short visit recently. She brought her wonderful boyfriend Dax. Yep, that's his name. It not short for anything, just Dax.
It was a wonderful surprise. We met for lunch and then again dinner.
This is H and S. Yep, her brother and sister-in-law were able to make it.
Considering it was a quick fly in and out I was surprised to see Marge and Patrick there with their new baby Conner. He's just a few weeks old.
It was my first time meeting him so I naturally latched onto him and did some grandmotherly cuddling.
Sean was sporting a black eye. He ran smack dab into a wall full steam ahead. He thought it was funny to tell strangers his daddy did it. Patrick had to explain, if he kept saying that he wouldn't see daddy anymore because they'd take him away.
M was wonderful. It was way past her bedtime and she was a little trooper. S & I took her for a walk when she got fussy and it was great being able to kiss and hug her for awhile.
I love this picture of M watching Dax. Is she asking, "Is this my new uncle or what?" LOL!
Here's one of the few pictures with me and my two kids. Okay, little Conner is in it too but he's like family for it's just fine with me.
As is typical with HD, they wouldn't let D off work for the evening so he missed it. We were able to squeeze in a lunch with H and Dax so we could meet him on a more private setting. It was great. He's a really sweet guy.
We should have had the waiter in the picture so I could photoshop D's head on him. LOL!
I hate the new blogger, I just can't figure out how to get my text by the pictures where I want it. So, please forgive me until I figure the darn thing out.
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