Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sigh...when it rains, it pours....

When I came home the other day the laundry room looked very dark.  I couldn't figure out why until I went in there looked into the bathroom and saw this.  What a lovely view.  Leave my husband home for awhile and he's building things again.
 Okay, I'll cut him some slack because he'd created a makeshift painting booth to protect the yard and be a windbreak so he could paint the furniture.
It takes quite a while because of the wind but so far he's painted the top, bottom, 3 back panels, two interior panels and the two side panels.  He has the doors to do.  He's a bit miffed with me because he wants to make new doors and I said no.  He thinks I can carefully remove the beautiful design elements and he'll glue them on the new doors.  I told him it was just too darn old and the designs would break no matter how gentile I was.  So, the doors are waiting patiently to be painted after he does some repair work on them.

 I know it doesn't look like much but I swear someday I'll be able to put my clothes back in it.

See the wall?  I've been desperately trying to find some wallpaper to replace that.  I thought if I could find something it would be a great idea to lay on the bed while healing and direct D while he did the work.  So far I haven't found a darn thing so I guess this will be another project for next summer.
Okay, this is a complete and total random picture.  Thursday, I was sitting at the front desk at work and this guy was waaaaay up on the window.  It's on the outside of the window but I thought it was the coolest looking creature I'd seen in a long time.  It was a good inch or so big too.  How neat is that?  LOL!
 I am so looking forward to the surgery Friday.  I come home each night and put a heating pad on my poor foot to soothe the pain.  It feels wonderful even if it is temporary.
 I've been working at getting things done because I know they'll drive me nuts while sitting and mending.  Yesterday I decided to clean and wax the kitchen floor.  For some reason where the dog's dish is the baseboard was loose.  I pulled it away and there were a bazillion tiny bugs walking around, along with a huge funny looking mushroom thing and the floor and sheetrock were soaked.

I scraped the mold away, dried the spot and then sprayed Raid to kill the pests as best I could.  Then I noticed the floor was starting to warp at the doorway.
When D got home he pulled out the refrigerator and the filter to the ice maker has been leaking for months.  So the floor behind the refrigerator is wet, along with the sheetrock.  Which means, the subfloor under the freezer in the laundry room is probably also bad and explains why the laundry room closet door has started to rub on the floor.  So that's messed up to.

This is one of the 'bite your tongue' moments in marriage.  The well has continued to turn itself off and on refilling the water tank when we aren't running water.  A few months back I found a faucet open in the yard.  D also replaced two important pieces to the well.  The pump continued to turn off and on so I said on at least 3 occasions, "If we don't have a leak outside, then it has to be in the house.  Go under the house and check for any leaks".  It fell on deaf ears.

Today, I don't have water because the handle to the faucet behind the refrigerator snapped off.  Luckily it's a split shift for D at HD so he'll get home at 12:30 and can replace the faucet so I can have water to the house.  After that he'll repair the leaking line to the refrigerator.

In the meantime, I'm just going to have him try and dry everything out and concentrate on this repair next summer since it's going to be a major project consisting of ripping up the floor and sub floor in two rooms (if we're lucky).


Shannon said...

I'm looking forward to seeing some of your finished projects.

Wudas said...

Ahhhh! The joys of home ownership! If it ain't one thing it's another.