I finished my post around 12:30 yesterday. Did a couple of more things before grabbing my Kindle to finish the rest of the day being a lazy bum. When I went by the kitchen window around 12:40 I noticed the deer had disappeared. I always wonder where the heck they go.
When I put wood in the bedroom fireplace so I wouldn't have to get up again for a couple of hours, I saw where the little beauties had relocated. To the front lawn.

Now, remember these pictures when you see my front lawn in the summer. It's chewed up, looks like a tractor did wheelies on it and just looks like crap.
That would be because my deer seem to believe it's their dining room, bedroom and bathroom. I might complain from time to time but how can you stay angry at something so beautiful. Look at how pretty the little girl in the back is and the little boy in the front who is just now starting to get the buds for his antlers.
Now back to working on a logo, embroidering 5 blankets, 3 totes and hopefully 1 or 2 of my belated Christmas presents before an order for double hooping 24 shirts comes in. Oh yeah, there's still the dreaded taxes. Ugh!