Sunday, February 20, 2011

Part II on Saturday

I finished my post around 12:30 yesterday. Did a couple of more things before grabbing my Kindle to finish the rest of the day being a lazy bum. When I went by the kitchen window around 12:40 I noticed the deer had disappeared. I always wonder where the heck they go.

When I put wood in the bedroom fireplace so I wouldn't have to get up again for a couple of hours, I saw where the little beauties had relocated. To the front lawn.
Now, remember these pictures when you see my front lawn in the summer. It's chewed up, looks like a tractor did wheelies on it and just looks like crap.

That would be because my deer seem to believe it's their dining room, bedroom and bathroom. I might complain from time to time but how can you stay angry at something so beautiful. Look at how pretty the little girl in the back is and the little boy in the front who is just now starting to get the buds for his antlers.

Now back to working on a logo, embroidering 5 blankets, 3 totes and hopefully 1 or 2 of my belated Christmas presents before an order for double hooping 24 shirts comes in. Oh yeah, there's still the dreaded taxes. Ugh!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lazy Saturday

5 a.m. Woke up and it was sooooo cold I started a fire in the bedroom fireplace. I had D buy 1/4 cord of wood the other day so I didn't feel the least bit guilty for burning.

5:10 Watched fire roar to life, grabbed my Kindle and read.
7:30 Got up to take my morning pills and saw 9 deer lazing around on the hill. What's interesting is when they lay like that their heads are always up. If you look at the guy second from the right, he's actually laying down with his head rested in the weeds. That's unusual. In the 28 years we've been here, that's the first time I've seen one do that.
7:35 Came back to the bedroom, opened the curtain and saw snow. wonder why I was so darn cold.

This is the snow on the hills out the bedroom window.
Found my Uggs and checked to see if there was anymore snow. Yep, these are the hills on the deck side of the house.

7:40 Went back to bed, grabbed my Kindle. Read for I don't know how long before I fell asleep and woke again at 9.

9:00 Brushed teeth, combed hair, grabbed Kindle and read until 11:30.

11:35 Got up added wood to the fire, got dressed and cleaned the kitchen. Which meant washed two plates, 3 glasses and 6 bowls. Two days worth of dishes.

Moved tax stuff to the office to work on later.

Wandered around, folded socks that were drying on the mantle, cleaned pellet stove, straightened family room, cleaned oven (okay, I pushed the button and set it for two hours of cleaning) and came in and loaded pictures for blog. Worked on blog and it's now almost 12:30.

Now I'll head back to the warm bedroom, sit in front of the fire and read until 2. Then I'll work on taxes and I've made the management decision to take a bubble bath at 4 and change the oil in my hair.

I have tons of embroidering to do and have decided to start it tomorrow. Since I'm off Monday, I considering Sunday and Monday my Saturday and Sunday embroidery work days.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


This is the wrist thingy D is supposed to wear for his fractured wrist. See how nice and happy it is not on his wrist.
See the nicely cut lawn? D was complaining about how both wrists hurt and won't heal. Let's see why.

Exhibit A: Wrist support above without a hand through it.

Exhibit B: Lawn became magically shorter while I was at work.

It would appear my husband can't mow the lawn with the wrist dohicky on so he took it off. Then he spent the evening whining about how sore his wrists are. ARHGHHHHH!!

Guess how much sympathy I gave him? I think you guessed it.
I miss the sun. I got in the habit when I woke up on the weekend, of laying my clothes out in the morning sun. I'd go eat breakfast, brush my teeth and comb my hair. By the time I got around to dressing they'd be nice and toasty warm. Again...I miss the sun.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yawn....just stuff

Last Saturday a bunch of us got together and moved mom out of her one bedroom apartment to a studio downstairs.

Nana and Sue and their crew kicked butt packing up everything and had the guys bring it downstairs to Andrea and I.
I told Sue I was going to put this on my blog and make fun of her sitting while everyone else is working. She didn't believe me and doesn't read the blog so I'm safe following through with my threat.

The only thing is, she's sitting and resting after helping Nana pack up the apartment. So she's sitting in an empty unit.

I just thought I'd be a brat and make it look like she does nothing. That's what little sisters are put on this earth to do....annoy big sisters.
Andrea and I got the downstairs all assembled and ready just in case mom can come home from the con home. Nana is putting on the final touches by hanging the pictures. I understand she bought bedding so it should look really nice now.
I pretty much worked in the bedroom and bathroom. I didn't envy Andrea tackling the kitchen. It's a tedious job and she did it with humor and hard work.
I've been working constantly and just poop out when I get home from work. I've tried to tackle the Christmas decorations but couldn't seem to get far. A couple of days before going to mom's I was able to at least stash the last of the Christmas decorations in my bedroom.
Sunday, D gave me a hand putting some of the stuff away. Although he tried to help, between my putting the stuff away myself and his injured wrists, he gave up.
When I buy stuff, I keep the original boxes so they can store safely. That drives D. nuts. I think it's one of the reasons he gave up. He wanted to just put stuff in boxes and call it quits. But each of my boxes are labeled on the outside what room the decorations are for and exactly what's in the box.

That was just too much tedious organization for his tastes. That must explain the difference between the inside of the house and the garage. Hahahahaha!
I thought I'd be working until it got dark but actually finished at dinner time. The sun was just starting to go down and I couldn't see straight.
I grabbed the camera, took some pictures and then crashed on the bed with my Kindle. I fell asleep mid chapter and didn't wake up until D had me come and eat dinner. Then I tried to watch TV and off to bed I went.

I look at this picture and now I need to go center the hope chest at the end of the bed. That's driving me nuts. Hopefully this summer I'll get up the gumption to finish the headboard. It looks rather sad with those holes in it. LOL!

.......okay, I couldn't stand it. The hope chest is now centered at the end of the bed. Just a footnote, the hope chest belonged to my mother-in-law before she got married. It's faded with age but I love it. Maybe next blog, I'll take a picture of the beautiful front on it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


It's been a long few weeks. I've been working my day job and embroidering on my time off. That is, when I haven't come home and just crashed. Yep, there have been days when I came home and went to bed at 6:30. Which proves, I'm definitely not as young as I used to be. LOL!

A customer called and wanted to know if I could cover a logo on her husbands favorite suede jacket. I took a look at it and figured the only way was to do an applique. The logo was white background with gold lettering. I thought that would be too stark on the beautiful jacket but he was adamant about using white/gold company colors, so I sewed the sample on a piece of leather I had. She and her husband fell in love with it and immediately disregarded the white background idea.
It was a tough applique to do because the old logo was sewn very close to the zipper. Normally logos are placed centered on the left chest. Whoever did this one didn't have a clue on the placement. Add to the fact it was a huge logo. Luckily they gave me creative freedom to adjust the logo as I saw fit to make it work.

In order to do that, I was able to adjust the boarder to be higher than it was on the original logo so it covered what was underneath.

It's hard to tell, but the piece of leather I used almost matches the stripe on the collar and cuffs exactly.
This is my booboo. It doesn't look like much but it hurt like you know what. My husband was helping me move a cabinet at work and didn't wait when I said wait. He crushed it between the back of the big black cabinet and metal shelf on a whiteboard.
This picture was taken the day after and doesn't show the bruising or swelling. It's been two weeks and the blood blister is just now raised enough where I can start picking it out.

It still hurts like you know and I'm convinced he broke it in a couple of places. Having broken it before, I know they can't do much about it but splint it and hope for the best. Today, at least I'm able to bend it and type. I'll give it another few weeks and work on some of the old PT I did last time I broke it.

I've sold some Zoobies in the past couple of weeks and put a name on a pillow sham someone at work bought from Pottery Barn Kids. It was really adorable and she wanted his name sewn on the baseball bat. It turned out very nice but I completely forgot to take a picture of it.

That's it for now. I just haven't been on the computer lately and have been exhausted when I've come home from work so I haven't blogged. I need to pay more attention to it because I always feel better after I've posted something. I think it's therapeutic.