Well, Humpty Dumpty got the splints taken out of his nose yesterday. Ewwww....they said it would be uncomfortable and hurt a little. He almost threw up it was so painful. We had to sit about 10 minutes just so he could collect himself enough to walk out of the surgeons office.
The good news is, although swollen, his nose is pretty straight.
My desktop and laptop PC's have been running like crap. Slow, pages close, I get thrown off the internet and I feel like it's dial up. I did some researching and found lots of raves about Superantispyware so I checked it out.
It's a free download but when I have the money I'll buy the full version. It's fantastic. I installed it on the desktop PC first because my pages were closing in slow motion whenever they felt like it and my icons were bouncing and flashing on my desktop.
Well, I ran the program and didn't have one hitch happen. My desktop PC runs like it's brand spankin' new. It didn't run that fast or great when I first bought it.
As I'm typing this (on the Mac), I just installed superantispyware on the laptop and now it's running its scanning system. We'll see what happens because the laptop is what has all my embroidery software and designs. I might have to spend the afternoon when I get home from work putting stuff back on but I'm going to cross my fingers and hope all goes well.
Not much else to say this time around except, I highly recommend going to superantispyware.com and giving it a shot on your PC if you're running slow or have a virus (like the one my daughter sent me).
I'm sure Heather didn't send you a virus on purpose. Glad that your computers are running better now.
good to know. Thanks for the tip.
I tried the free download on my computer yesterday and it helped. Thanks for the tip!
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