Sunday, January 2, 2011


D gave me this adorable teapot for Christmas. It has two handles because the top portion is the actual teapot and the bottom part is the cup. Now I think I need one of those little hot plates to keep it warm for me. It cools off very quickly.
I got D a Flip video camera. He's been busy the past two days taking pictures and editing them into videos. He's getting pretty good at it too. We're attempting to make some do it yourself videos for women. I'd like to start with very easy projects and slowly morph into more advanced stuff.
We celebrated Christmas on New Years Eve this year. It was nice to celebrate so close to the actual date.

This is Sean, he's been scared to death of all the dogs since he was a baby. He had a stupid uncle that teased and scared him with a dog so he freaks out when he sees one.

This Christmas, we got him to finally touch Nuttie and the Bear. It took him about an hour and then he wouldn't leave them alone. The bear finally took off and hid in her closet and Nuttie spent the night running away from him. She spent a lot of time jumping from lap to lap of each adult.

I think we may have created a monster. LOL!


Kelly O said...

What a beautiful teapot!

That is to funny, I got Paul one of those flip camera's too! I thought if he took some short hockey footage I could post it on my blog. I don't know how much he has used it yet.

It is such a shame when adults teach kids to be afraid of dogs, we should teach them to respect animals ot fear them.

Wudas said...

All you have to do now is make him understand he needs to be gentle with creatures smaller than he is. If he doesn't learn some not so kind dog may bite him and you'll have to start all over again!

Shannon said...

We are friends with two different couples that both have 2 small girls. What's funny is one child from each couple used to be scared of our dogs. They're both totally over it now. I don't think their parents taught them to be afraid, but they don't have any dogs. I have run across adults that have taught their kids to be afraid of animals and I find that very sad.

That's a nice teapot/teacup. I think I've seen it in one of the catalogs that we receive.