Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm a convert.

When my friends from Australia visited earlier this year they brought me some Uggs. Well, they don't call them that there but you get what I mean. Apparently they originated is Aussieland and they thought I'd like a pair.

My feet were so cold the other day, even my warm sister made socks didn't help so I rummaged in my closet and pulled these out. Oh my, they're absolutely fantastic. Not only were my feet warm (without sweating) but so were my calves and ankles. I'm definitely in love and owe my Aussie family a great super warm thank you!
Yesterday was a long day. When I got home D had a nice fire going for me to relax in front of in the living room fireplace. Before I could pull up a chair and my Kindle, Nuttie picked out her spot and plopped herself down for a nap or two. As long as I was in the room, she was too.

Nissie doesn't like heat from the fireplace or space heaters. She prefers the electric blanket. I don't know why but she does. Nuttie will take heat anywhere she can get it.


Shannon said...

My feet sweat in slippers, so I've never even considered Uggs before. Izzy (our wiener dog) likes to lay outside in the sun, on hot days. She seems to soak up any heat she can.

Wudas said...

I've been thinking I'd treat myself to a pair of Uggs type boots. I have a pair of Uggs slippers and love them. It's my second pair. Hmmm. You might need socks out of a different fiber. I'll have to think about that. There is stuff warmer than sheep's wool. Like dog hair.