Sunday, April 4, 2010

Purple Toilet

In answer to Shannon's question. The purple toilet is making money for our Relay for Life American Cancer Society fundraiser.

Dave got Home Depot to donate the spray paint. We got the toilet for free off CL. It was a shame to paint it because it's a beautiful fairly new Kohler toilet. Sarah decorated it and made the sign to go with it.

Sarah started out putting it in her mom's front yard. Nancy had to donate $10 to have it removed (but it could come back to her), $20 will have it removed and she gets to say where it is put next or $30 and she gets it removed, decides who gets it next and it never comes back to her house.

We've had people donate $70+ to have it removed. I don't think it will be leaving Livermore though. Sarah is getting a nice list of who wants it. She's been approached when she's either dropping it off or removing it by strangers who want to donate and have it delivered to a friend or family member.

It's a great fundraising gimmick. We've raised enough money to put our team in 2nd place and Sarah still has $500 that needs to be added to our account.

Oh, inside the toilet itself are flyers telling about the fundraiser and where they can donate to our team.

I started a blog at where I'm tracking the toilet and introducing the team members.


Shannon said...

Cool. Thanks for the information.

Wudas said...

Yup. It's a good fund raiser.

Are you still working?