Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I thought I'd be an obnoxious grandmother tonight and do baby pictures.  E is turning into a kid.
I just couldn't click the shutter fast enough.  Just after she took a bite, she gagged, shuttered and spit everything out.  It was hilarious!
S has been a very sick man the past couple of weeks.  Two trips to ER and a week in the hospital.  He's lost 8 pounds which for him is 20 on someone else because he has zero fat.
The upside to being off work on disability means more time with the baby, although I think he may have been huffing and puffing with the exertion of picking up the baby.
Cocoa was watching S feed the baby but he was told to stay and not once did he creep up to sneak any food.  What a good boy!

Just a note:  I'm not happy with the new Blogger format.  I haven't posted for two reasons, one is I've been busy and the other is the new Blogger seems to take longer to get the pictures loaded and text put on.  Maybe I'm getting lazy in my old age.


Shannon said...

I love the photos. I don't have any problems with the new blogger. It sounds like I started using the new blogger before everyone else did. It was an adjustment, but I don't have any problems using it.

Wudas said...

You didn't say why Scott is so sick. Nothing serious I hope.

There is nothing wrong with posting lots of baby pictures. I love seeing the newest member of the clan.

I'm getting better with Blogger. The problems may stem from what browser you use. I use Firefox and Blogger no longer supports Firefox so I expect a few problems.