Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hmmmm....what to blog about.

I was trying to think of what I'd talk about this time around. I don't want to overdue the grandchild thing so I thought I'd do a cute dog thing. AGAIN!

While loading the pictures from the camera to the computer this popped up. D has been working on the clutch of the truck for a couple of weeks now. Yep, I said a couple of weeks. Apparently it's turning into a nightmare of a project.

Anyway, he takes me to work and then uses the car for running around. Now I'm thinking groceries, an occasional tool from Home Depot but I found this a little while ago. I think I need to gently explain to him my car is not a truck. It doesn't chauffeur around dirty tools, greasy car parts and definitely not construction material. Oye vey! What will he think of next?
I thought I'd take a break from working on a project for a friend of mine in Australia. I worked on it a couple of hours and then decided I'd take a few minutes to go clean the kitchen counter and change the sheets on the bed. When I entered the bedroom this is what I found.

How can two little dogs be so exhausted from laying around all day? Nissie found the hardwood floor gets toasty warm in the sun, while Nuttie took the direct approach to heat.
She decided she'd get a double whammy. Not only is she sprawled out on the little table in the sun but there's also a fire in the pellet stove. She was roasting hot and in doggie heaven.

That's it for the day. Nothing special, just a quickie. Have a nice weekend everyone.


Shannon said...

What is it about dachshunds that they love the heat so much? On a hot day, Izzy will lay outside in the sun, most of the day.

Wudas said...

Not Ringo so much. But Vinnie just can't get too warm. He'll lay in the sun in the summer. And it gets pretty warm here.

Kelly O said...

I found myself drawn to the afternoon sun pouring across the bottom of my bed this afternoon. I laid there for about an hour reading a book while the sun warmed my feet and thermometer outside reads -9C (15F)

It was lovely