Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I've got D convinced it's time to sell some shi.....I mean unused items around the house and yard. With a month or two of coaxing and a huge fight, I finally got him to be persistent to list the cab of the old truck on CL. Guess what? It sold. Yippee!!!! He gets mad if it doesn't sell in the first couple of days and gives up. Sighhhhh...
The guy told him he had a trailer. Luckily I wasn't home for this little project because I would have rolled my eyes and said, "You've got to be kidding!"
Have you noticed the problem yet? The guy brought a boat trailer. The cab is on a couple of 2x4 skids and is strapped down with two straps. I just don't get the male mentality. I look at this and say, "Well, now I know why S is always busy at work. This is absolutely nuts!"
D said he had to take pictures so he could say goodbye to what's left of his old truck. Me....I say, good riddance. Hahahahaha!

Now to pick a new item for the auction block and prep myself for another blow out fight as to why it needs to be sold. I'm thinking fork lift is next, then the airplane mover. Yes, we actually have one of those vehicles you see at the airport backing up planes and loading luggage.


Shannon said...

It's called a tug, not an airplane mover. I don't understand a lot of things that men do. It amazes me that the world is run by men.

Wudas said...

Well, I think the men running the world is changing some. Women are starting to come into their own. Maybe we will have a chance to do it differently. Let's see if we really can do better.

In the meantime we will sigh, roll our eyes and commiserate with each other because I don't get it either.

I wish I had a use for a tug. They are really cool. You got rid of a really large size item already. That visual might help you continue to nudge Dave in the direction you are trying to go.

And when those guys move stuff or do stuff I think might be...well...stupid or dangerous in their methods. I just put my cell phone in my pocket and walk away. I'm sure I'll hear the crash.

Kelly O said...

LOL, I think that picture defines men. I have seen Paul do some pretty hairbrained things when it comes to 'man stuff' I find odd as he is usually so smart.

I take mom's tactic, I walk away and wait for the crash.