Saturday, May 14, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, I broke my bifocals.
Three days after that I broke my back up pair.
While I was waiting for the bifocals to be fixed, I improvised with what I had on hand. They worked but I looked like a geek.

While I'm typing this I'm live chatting with McAfee. I'm fed up with the pop up telling me to renew. I'm asking them how do I turn off the pop up and they're telling me I have to buy the upgrade.

That's blackmail. I just asked her to tell me how to turn off the reminder and again she said, "If you upgrade, it'll turn itself off". She won't tell me how to shut off the pop up.

I just asked her can the pop up be turned off without uninstalling the program? Yes or no. She's taking a looooong time in answering the multiple choice question.

Finally she came back and said, "no". You have to renew your subscription or the pop ups will continue. It took 30 minutes and 46 seconds for her to tell me that.

So I'm going to check into ANTISPYWARE because I had their trial version and it was reasonably priced and didn't conflict with my embroidery software.

I'm already tired of the software companies putting an expiration date on their merchandise. I feel like I've been scammed. Oh well, I'll get off my soapbox now and find some new software to purchase.

I guess that's what's bothering me. I 'purchased' the software. I didn't 'lease' it. I know....whine...whine...whine....

On the upside, my bifocals are fixed and I'm only wearing one pair of glasses these days. LOL!


Kelly O said...

I feel your pain, we get so hosed on software stuff for the office. They suck you in and then hit you with hidden costs.

A few years ago Quickbooks "upgraded" their small business program so it would only print on cheques purchased from the Quickbooks company, making my expensive bank cheques no longer work with the program and forcing me to buy even more expensive Quickbook cheques. I have used Quickbooks for 12 years, it would have been more costly to change programs than to purchase cheques from QB. They had me over a barrel. That kind of thing makes me so angry!!!

Wudas said...

I get it too. I just bought the upgrade for my security software and installed it. I'm still getting pop ups! I'm going to have D take a look when he gets a few minutes.

Shannon said...

Let's face it. We're all getting scewed. Either by your mortgage company, your credit card company, at the gas pump or with software. It sucks, but right now that's how it is.