Monday, March 28, 2011


When I thought about which picture of Gran to post on my blog, this one immediately came to mind. It's my favorite because it was taken on one of her happiest days and she was, well....Gran on that day. It was at her and Pop's 50 year Wedding Anniversary shindig.

I remember trying to get her to quit talking so we could take the picture and she wouldn't. It was hilarious.

I had the same problem with her at S & S's reception. We took 3 shots and told her to quit talking and each one had her mouth yackity yacking.

This is the Gran that I'm going to burn into my memory. Smiling, happy and yes, talking....talking....talking.

Okay, I'll share one more memory of her I've laughed at over the years. We lived in the Manor and dad found a dead mouse. Well, living with dad through his funny stage of life was great. Nothing like his angry final years.

Anyway, he found a dead mouse, grabbed it by the tail, walked up behind mom and said something like, "Hey Ellen, look what I found for you." Mom turned around saw that dead mouse and screamed. Which of course lit dad's fuse and he pushed it into her face laughing. She ran out the front door and he chased her down the street with it, all the while she was swearing up a blue streak at him telling how she was going to kill him.

Those are the memories of my parents I like to reflect on. You know, the ones that bring a smile to my face and a bubble of laughter to my throat.


Shannon said...

That's a great photo and a great story. I could totally see it happening. I keep thinking I need have a glass of white wine, with a couple of ice cubes. Just like Gran always did.

dwgnldy said...

Hahahahaha! It used to drive Dave nuts when gran and pop would put ice cubes in their wine. I think it was the hardest thing for him to keep quiet about. Hahahahaha!

Oh....then there was the bourbon and water. We'd come over and that's what they'd give him. He hated it but for years drank the rot gut quietly. LOL!

Shannon said...

I can just picture Gran saying, "Damn you Andy!"