Monday, March 28, 2011


When I thought about which picture of Gran to post on my blog, this one immediately came to mind. It's my favorite because it was taken on one of her happiest days and she was, well....Gran on that day. It was at her and Pop's 50 year Wedding Anniversary shindig.

I remember trying to get her to quit talking so we could take the picture and she wouldn't. It was hilarious.

I had the same problem with her at S & S's reception. We took 3 shots and told her to quit talking and each one had her mouth yackity yacking.

This is the Gran that I'm going to burn into my memory. Smiling, happy and yes, talking....talking....talking.

Okay, I'll share one more memory of her I've laughed at over the years. We lived in the Manor and dad found a dead mouse. Well, living with dad through his funny stage of life was great. Nothing like his angry final years.

Anyway, he found a dead mouse, grabbed it by the tail, walked up behind mom and said something like, "Hey Ellen, look what I found for you." Mom turned around saw that dead mouse and screamed. Which of course lit dad's fuse and he pushed it into her face laughing. She ran out the front door and he chased her down the street with it, all the while she was swearing up a blue streak at him telling how she was going to kill him.

Those are the memories of my parents I like to reflect on. You know, the ones that bring a smile to my face and a bubble of laughter to my throat.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeling off today...

Well, this was Nuttie this morning but she's left me for the warm bed and now Nissie is sitting behind me on the pillow snoring. Oops....I lied she just came in, whined and now she's behind me with her daughter sleeping. Life is tough for a wiener dog in this house.

The bear is getting sooooo old. I think she has the canine version of Alzheimers. She'll start walking, suddenly stop and just stand there and stare. She'll walk up to the wall with her nose inches from it and just stare. It's funny and sad at the same time. She gets confused and befuddled. We have to be careful approaching her when she's like that because she'll get startled easily and more confused. I usually stomp my feet so she can feel me approach, then I'll gently touch her and guide her to her bed.
D usually cuts my hair but Friday I thought I'd just shoot in to Great Cuts and let them trim a little off all around. When I signed in, I had a foreboding feeling and ignored it. DUH!

I told the woman to take an inch off all the way around. I said, "See how my hair is? That's how I wear it, just trim it all the way around so it looks the same in a shorter version. I curl it with a medium curling iron each morning."

When she didn't cut the top, I said, "Cut the top about an inch. It grows really fast." She said, "U wanna it spike?" I said, "No, just like it is only shorter". She cut the front and I said, "That's perfect, now layer and trim the rest." She put my head down and the next thing I knew I heard, rip at the back of my hair. Before I could protest, she'd taken a razer and shaved off two sections of hair at the back. Then the side was gone. I said, "What are you doing?" She said, "I make it whispy!" I said, "I don't want it whispy." She shaved the other side to match and I said, "Okay, that's fine. You're done." Then she pulls out the hair dryer and starts to dry it. I said, "No. I'll go home and wash it."

On the way home, I could feel huge spots where it was 1/2 to 1+" longer here and there. I was going to have Dave take a picture so I could post it but I was so relieved to see him come home, I forgot.
Anyway, I said, "I'm sorry. I thought I was saving you time and went to get my hair cut. Could you try and fix it without cutting the shortest parts any shorter?" He started checking how it was cut and kept saying, "Oooooooo and Ohhhhhhhh.'' I finally said, "Just cut it and quit laughing!"

So, I now have a pretty even haircut but it's very short. I can curl the important parts and figure by my class reunion next month, it'll be the length I like. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that hair grows and nobody knows you have a bad haircut unless you tell them.

I'm feeling off today. Yesterday when D put out our pills, I pulled one of his out of my cup. I think he did it again today but I didn't catch it. About half an hour after taking them I got a splitting headache, my tummy is really upset, my skin feels like there are ants inside trying to scratch their way out.

I went back to sleep for a couple of hours hoping to sleep through it and got up a little while ago. I ate some toast and a cherry smoothie. I'm still not up to snuff but feeling a bit better.

I think I'll grab PAW's papers and go find a nice comfy spot on the couch and finish getting the tax stuff together.

I think I've decided I'm just not junkie material. I'm going to stick with my drug of choice being my one thyroid pill in the morning. I'm not enjoying the effects of whatever he gave me this morning. Looks like that's one rehab I'll never have to experience. LOL!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lots of Pictures!

Here's the difference between men and women. Last weekend we unloaded 100 bags of pellets. Because D's already taken one header off the back of the truck he got mad that I wouldn't let him unload them by himself. I moved them from the pallet to the tailgate. He then proceeded to move the first 50 into the family room.

The second 50 I unloaded from the back of the truck onto the tailgate then handed them to D through the bedroom window, where he stacked them into the spa room.

It was hard work but not once did he fall or get hurt.

We used to get our own wood but this year I had him order and pay for delivery. Now he fills the wheelbarrow and puts it near the front door so it doesn't get wet. He wanted me to pull the car all the way under the Portico and got mad when I stopped.

He see's the wheelbarrow as full and stable. I see a heavy weight ready to fall and smash the side of my car. So everyday, I put the car part way under the portico which drives him nuts. This is actually much closer than I normally put it. I'd prefer even more distance between the accident waiting to happen and the front of my car.
I think I posted a picture of this weeping willow last year. It's a shame the picture doesn't show how really yellow the branches are in person. It's breathtaking in person.
I love this time of year. Driving down the road in the morning on my way to work is very refreshing.
These flowering plums are just now starting to lose their flowers and will soon be blossoming out in beautiful purple leaves. They're very messy trees but beautiful.
I decided I needed to thank 4 people at work for all the help they gave me covering the front desk so I could pack up 15 rooms for our relocation.
I really enjoyed putting these designs together.
I loved the reaction from everyone. Neal snuck up behind me and I heard a excited whisper saying, "I love it! Love it! Love it! Love it!" Then he proceeded to tell me it was his birthday week so my timing was perfect.
I think I had the most fun with Lisa's because it took quite a bit of edits. She went nuts over this. I didn't have a clue not only was blue her favorite color, but this particular shade is what she's drawn to. Talk about luck choice.