Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Pictures....

Well, Humpty Dumpty got the splints taken out of his nose yesterday. Ewwww....they said it would be uncomfortable and hurt a little. He almost threw up it was so painful. We had to sit about 10 minutes just so he could collect himself enough to walk out of the surgeons office.

The good news is, although swollen, his nose is pretty straight.

My desktop and laptop PC's have been running like crap. Slow, pages close, I get thrown off the internet and I feel like it's dial up. I did some researching and found lots of raves about Superantispyware so I checked it out.

It's a free download but when I have the money I'll buy the full version. It's fantastic. I installed it on the desktop PC first because my pages were closing in slow motion whenever they felt like it and my icons were bouncing and flashing on my desktop.

Well, I ran the program and didn't have one hitch happen. My desktop PC runs like it's brand spankin' new. It didn't run that fast or great when I first bought it.

As I'm typing this (on the Mac), I just installed superantispyware on the laptop and now it's running its scanning system. We'll see what happens because the laptop is what has all my embroidery software and designs. I might have to spend the afternoon when I get home from work putting stuff back on but I'm going to cross my fingers and hope all goes well.

Not much else to say this time around except, I highly recommend going to and giving it a shot on your PC if you're running slow or have a virus (like the one my daughter sent me).

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.....

So now I'm trying to figure out if I'm married to Tim the Toolman Taylor or Humpty Dumpty.  I'm split.  Either one works for me.

Just a few days after our sitting with the family and saying how happy we all were to see 2010 behind us, 2011 shot in with a thud.  First, I'm suppose to tell you D is smiling.  He said if this went on my blog he wanted that said up front.  LOL!

He was unloading the pellets off the back of the truck and got light headed.  Instead of sitting on the wheel well, he decided he should climb down.  Well he didn't make it.  He took a header off the back of the truck and luckily his face broke his fall.  He has a hairline fracture of the right wrist, severe sprain on the left, split the inside of his lower lip open so it has stitches and broke his nose.  I told him I'm getting to old for this sh.....!

He was in the hospital from Tuesday morning to 6 p.m. Friday night.  He refused dinner because he wanted home made soup from his wife.

He's been on a heart monitor all week and had a little blip once.  That sent some cardiologist in who immediately wanted to do surgery and implant some sort of monitor in his chest.  Both our personal physician and son believe because he hadn't eaten since the previous day, and was bending up and down while straining, he slowed the blood to his head by the up and down motion along with straining the vegal muscle which slows the flow of blood to the heart.  They also changed his meds thinking it could have contributed to the lightheaded episode.

So if I can get that husband of mine to eat, keep fluids in himself, don't overdo and strain and keep his meds up to date, we should live to a nice long retirement age.  Hmmmm....I think in some worlds that's called moderation.

So here's to starting 2011 on a down note and ending it on an up one.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


D gave me this adorable teapot for Christmas. It has two handles because the top portion is the actual teapot and the bottom part is the cup. Now I think I need one of those little hot plates to keep it warm for me. It cools off very quickly.
I got D a Flip video camera. He's been busy the past two days taking pictures and editing them into videos. He's getting pretty good at it too. We're attempting to make some do it yourself videos for women. I'd like to start with very easy projects and slowly morph into more advanced stuff.
We celebrated Christmas on New Years Eve this year. It was nice to celebrate so close to the actual date.

This is Sean, he's been scared to death of all the dogs since he was a baby. He had a stupid uncle that teased and scared him with a dog so he freaks out when he sees one.

This Christmas, we got him to finally touch Nuttie and the Bear. It took him about an hour and then he wouldn't leave them alone. The bear finally took off and hid in her closet and Nuttie spent the night running away from him. She spent a lot of time jumping from lap to lap of each adult.

I think we may have created a monster. LOL!