Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nice Birthday

Well, here's my latest digitizing test.  It definitely had a little of everything in it.  The instructions were strange because at times they didn't tell you what color to make the words.  This posed a problem because when you came to the end of the lesson you were suppose to have 9 thread changes.

I had eleven.  At the very end when you have nine colors they tell you to move the black word shadow in behind the purple word shadow.  That changes the stitching sequence so the purple on ups & downs stitches first then black shadow then purple shadow.

I don't know if they're going to like my pointing this error out to them and recommending they move the black shadow to stitch first then ups & downs and purple shadow stitch together.  That at least would have made the thread changes 10 instead of 11.  I know..I know..I just blew up your brains with this boring stuff.

My birthday has been great!  It's stretched out to a week.  Had Dinner with S & S, visited H because she was sick, got spoiled by D, (we'll be going to San Diego to see a terrific line up of country singers in a couple of months), got great hand knitted socks from E, got Victoria Secret smell pretties from mom, had a wonderful long conversation with A on the phone and C took me out and wined and dined me this weekend.  Have one sister MIA and didn't hear a peep from her.  Oh goes on.

I really do love these long extended birthdays.  I think that's the way they're suppose to be. Yep, everyone write Obama and say the first thing he needs to change is birthdays must be a minimum of 5 days long. must receive 1 gift per day. 

I'm hoping to get out to see dad tomorrow morning (Monday).  I need to say my goodbyes just in case.  Mom keeps saying he wakes up and talks to her and recognizes her but he's only known who I am once that I can remember in the past year.  It's been really hard being the kid who doesn't exist.  I don't take it personally because it's just one of those things.  Ahhh....too sad so I'll shut up now and move on.

I'm just gonna relive my time with C.  She made me laugh, made me drink and made me eat more than I've eaten in a long time.  I think this was the first time it's been just the two of us going out in 30 years.  Why'd we wait so long?  Hmmmm... 

Luckily I'm in a good mood because I'll be heading out to the kitchen to cut D's hair.  It's not good to have your wife in a down mood when she's got something sharp in her hands.  LOL!


Wudas said...

Don't feel bad I didn't hear from one of my sisters on or around my birthday either. I sent her a card from Wyoming while I was on vacation. Santa will probably leave coal in her stocking this year.

I'm glad you had such a good birthday! I agree that our birthdays should last a little longer.

Don't feel bad about Dad. The last few times I've visited him he never even woke up. I spent all that time with him after his first stroke and he never remembered I was there. He remembered Sue and other people but me, nope. I was there the most. It's why I don't go see him all that often now. He doesn't remember me anyway. I think Mom is the only one he has eyes for.

So anyway, maybe you and Colleen and I can think of a way to waste a day together and exchange Christmas gifts. A whole day! What do you think?

Shannon said...

I'm sorry that I missed your birthday. Happy Late Birthday from me.

I don't want to visit Poppy because I heard that he doesn't even know who most people are. It would be heartbreaking because he's not the man I remember. I'd rather remember him as the man he was. I do agree with you about him passing on soon. That's probably selfish of me, but I don't think he would have wanted to wind up how he did.

I'm glad that you had a great time with Aunt Colleen, family is important and some people forget that.