Today D took pity on me and moved the fan light from the guest bedroom into the sewing room. The one I had in here was brand spankin' new but only allowed 60w small based bulbs in it. It was so dark in here I had to use a flashlight to aim at the machines when the threads broke so I could find the ends. Now I have four 100w CFL bulbs which use only 14w each and it's like daylight. I'm in love!
Yes, if you have good eyes you can see I'm watching Order of the Phoenix (again). I'm actually listening to the extra CD with all the goodies on it. I've already taken a tour with Tonks around the set. Now we're trying to understand the mysteries of Harry and Voldomort. Ooooooo....I'm scared.
Check out my cash register. It's one of the first things I bought for PAW's Embroidery. It was built in....nuts, I forgot 1949 or 1950. Anyway, it weighs about as much as a volkswagon and made of solid oak and steel. I love it! Ya gotta push in the buttons for a sale, then wind the handle, a bell rings and the drawer pops out so forceful it could knock you off your feet if you stand to close. COOL!
I spent the day working on a couple of Zoobies for a customer in Malaysia. Yep, I said Malaysia. She and I worked out using Paypal for the conversion and it actually went very smooth.
E says sometimes you just have to do what the customer wants and this was such a case. She wanted the name across the back of the Zebra by the tail instead on the tummy. I tried to explain to her the name would get lost in the stripes but she insisted and decided to have me do it in silver or gray. I found a silver gray thread but it just didn't look right.
She also wanted the name on the blanket and the silver gray thread looked terrific on the black fleece. It also took much more time than I had anticipated it would.
Li also wanted a Baboon. She agreed with putting the name in red to match the muzzle of the beast and I suggested white or the bright yellow on the face for the dark brown blanket. She wanted the same red. It was okay but didn't make my eyes pop. Ahhhh....back to, the customer is always right.
Spent the day with E yesterday working on how to edit some names in my digitizing program. She doesn't think she helped much but she really did. I was in one of those loops where you do the same thing over and over and can't understand why what you're trying to do still doesn't work. I looked at the command choices a gazillion times and nothing new popped up. Within a few minutes of opening the program she says, "Merge". That was the magic word. A whole new world opened up for me. That alone was worth the trip. Okay..okay...so were the deep fried shrimp at the local dive. Mmmmmm....crunchy, hot and yummy just what I needed.
Ooops...getting off track here. I worked on Zoobies and stuff today. I know the Zoobies didn't take all day but I'll be darned if I can remember doing much else. Tomorrow, I hope with D at work I can digitize the bone font for a customer's name badges. I'll have to bring out the serger and see if I can give them a merrow edge. If not, then satin stitch embroidered around the edges will have to do.
Not much else happening today. I'd better shut up now because my mind keeps wandering and thoughts of the turkey tacos I want to make for dinner keep appearing. Yep...I think I'll head to the kitchen and start cutting up goodies.
Bye for now!