Sunday, October 20, 2013


My daughter in law brought to my attention I hadn't blogged in almost a year.  I've been posting on Facebook but it just isn't as satisfying as my blog so I'm going to get back to doing it again.  I don't know if anyone will read it but it makes me feel better so I'm going to do it.  I'll also put stuff on Facebook but it just feels too open a media.  If you know what I mean.  LOL!

We have a new President in our company.  I didn't want to pass judgement too soon, so I've held back and waited to see what he'd do.  So far he's pleasantly surprised me by being smart and a man with a very clear vision of the direction the company should go.

He's not showing he has a big ego but instead has gone out of his way to try and meet with every employee and get their impression of what they feel are good and bad points of the company.

He listened very carefully because the first All Employee meeting included many of our suggestions.

The thing I'm most impressed about is he's exactly like my boss.  Always stops and thanks me for the things I do for him.

They both come from the school of, "A thank you goes a long way".

He called upon me to do some things for him but the latest cracked me up.  He wanted large letters drawn on poster board that he would use for the first All Employee staff meeting.

Because I can't draw worth beans, I jumped into my digitizing program and found a font I liked and then enlarged it so it was huge.  Neither Dave or I liked the C so he did a little manual modification for me and it was perfect.

I bought the real thick poster board (with the foam center) in white and cut out the big letters in royal blue and attached them with two sided tape.  They turned out really great!

I'm very happy I have a large kitchen counter.  The downside is, it allows me to make a bigger mess to clean up.

No I'm not a dork.  Yes I used all three tapes on the project.  I'm a stickler of wanting to grab what I need pretty much with my eyes closed.  I have special colored tape dispensers for everything.  

The two above are from the sewing room.  The red always has regular tape while the green on always has two sided tape.  I use the green one the most with my embroidery machines.

In the office my dispenser is silver as is my stapler, phone, pen holders, etc. so I know it belongs on my desk.  Dave's items are black.  Color co-ordinating things seems to make clean up fast for me.

If my kids see this one, I'm in trouble.  The project needed all of these scissors.  They'll see my sewing scissors which they were never, ever allowed to use.  It was an automatic punishment for them if they touched them.

I needed something super duper fine and sharp for tiny spots.  The silver scissors are my best ones even though they're in dire need of sharpening.

Thank you Colleen for giving them to me so many decades ago.  Oh, just so you know she gave all of us sisters a pair when she was working for a fabric store.  Each pair had our names engraved on them.

Oh the project?  It's done.  (Yes, I forgot to take a picture) We used the letters I'd made last Thursday in the meeting and the employees who where holding them decided to keep them.  I came in to work on Friday and there was an email from the president asking if I'd do another set and send them to our Boise office so he could do the same meeting for them.  I guess that makes me a cross boarder crafter.  LOL!

Most importantly, I couldn't have done either project as fast without Dave's help.  He's kept me focused, modified stuff for me, was my gopher and made sure the lettering was perfectly centered on each poster board.

Thank you sweet cheeks for the help!

1 comment:

harada57 said...
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