Sunday, April 29, 2012

I saw my first butterfly in a long time today.  It was wonderful and very refreshing.  It flitted from flower to flower for about 4 minutes this afternoon.

I thought I was channeling my mother this morning when I had the urge to clean all the woodwork.  Okay, I cleaned all the switch plates but thought, I wasn't channeling her for that.  I was hearing her tell me to clean the dirty switch plates.  I don't remember my mother ever doing the tedious chore.  I do remember us girls arguing because we had to do it.  LOL!

I had more stuff to catch up on but this new version of blogger is giving me a headache.  It's not as user friendly as the previous version so I'm going to give up.  It's taken me over 30 minutes to get these two pictures posted and the little comments typed.  Guess they never heard of, "If it ain't broke don't fix it".

I think I'll catch up on my blog reading before D gets home and we go next door to work on the deck.

Happy Sunday everyone!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Water and Pellets

For months we'd been running out of water. I mentioned that in previous posts. Anyway, D replaced one part and things got better because we didn't completely run out of water. Instead when you turned on the faucet the water would run a few seconds, then go down to a trickle and about 15 seconds later come back in full force.

Being a simple wife I've been suggesting that D go out and check all the outside faucets to see if we had a broken pipe. NOTE: We have 14 faucets outside around the house and throughout the property. Anyway the answer I've been getting is, "We'd know if there was a broken pipe." So he never bothered to check the faucets.

Yesterday I opened the back door and was just standing there enjoying the fresh smells of spring and thought I could hear the trickle of water. I wandered around the backyard and the faucet on the other side of the fence was on. It was very low but put enough water in the dry creek bed which turned it into a mini creek.

Most likely a deer kicked it or rubbed against it while wandering by. It's not a conventional handle but a pretty little hummingbird, so I could really see that happening.
D called from work about something and I told him he owed me a call for the well repair because I fixed it. No longer would we constantly hear the well turning off and on and run out of water.

Okay, don't laugh at this because it's sooooo of his solutions was to turn off two out of three of our toilets. Hahahaha! Where do they get this stuff? Hahahahahaha!
I had to take this picture. It's one of three freesias left that the deer and rabbits haven't eaten. It's so darn pretty.
Friday D finally fixed the clutch on his truck. He designed a slave cylinder and had it custom machined just for his truck. When he picked me up at work he was happy and upset. He believes this will be the answer to his clutch constantly going out but the truck sat so long, the battery was dead. Sorry...I'm laughing as I type this. Come on....that's just too funny!

He put it on the charger and took it to work yesterday (Saturday) and finally brought home one out of two tons of pellets he'd bought a month or so ago.
I decided I'd be nice and unload the truck. I put on my warm socks (no shoes) and decided I'd try to unload half in 30 minutes. Well, I'm pleased to say I unloaded 28 out of 50 bags. I was sweating like a sumo wrestler and very warm so I decided to take a break and work on the blog.
I've cooled down enough that now I'm actually cold. So I'm going to run out, unload the final 22 bags and maybe take the truck to Home Depot and get my car. Then D can bring the final load home tonight and I'll help him unload that too.

Did I mention, he's no longer allowed in the back of the truck? Nope, I won't let him up there at all. Sometimes he sneaks the garbage cans up there and takes them down to the road but he has to listen to me rip into him for that, so I believe he's finally having second thoughts about doing that. LOL!