Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The downside.....I'm looking up more these days. While D was making the bedroom look nice and up to date, I noticed this huge cobweb in the entry hall. Look at this beast.

How can you go so long and not notice something like this? One day you look up and WHAM! There it is.
It starts at the ceiling and connects to the dolphin's mouth in the fountain. What's worse is, it isn't fine and thin. It's thick, dusty and definitely visible.

Now the decision is, take it down or see how big it gets for Halloween. If we were going to have a party, I think I'd leave it. You know, just to be annoying to the hubby.

I have a feeling I'll give in and suck it up with the vacuum cleaner. We'll see how long I can hold out.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Graduation Time!!!!

Yesterday was R's graduation party. I loved coming in the front door and being welcomed by this wall. The picture doesn't do it justice, it's very heartwarming.
So, here's my first picture of J. It's a perfectly normal shot. Her mouth moving and my having bad the timing of catching her in mid sentence. Of course, she's part Irish so it's hard to catch any of us without our mouths moving. LOL!
I think this shot really shows off R's personality and the fact that she's as outgoing as her mom. Don't tell her I think she resembles me in this shot. Look at the round face, dimples, squinty eyes....need I say more?
I laughed when I downloaded this picture. E looks like she's about to say, "So. Is that all you've got after all these years?" Hahahahaha!
I didn't think of taking a picture of all the women (Mom, daughters, grand daughters, great grand daughters) in one shot. I'm gonna consider that a senior moment.

Anyway, I love this picture!
J & me. She's such a lovely woman and put on a very nice party. C should be proud of her.
This is what happens when I take a picture without my glasses on. Ya know they're there but just a bit out of focus. I don't think I have any pictures of the three cousins together. I'm going to cherish this one, even if I messed up the shot.
This is J's main squeeze. It's not the best shot but it's only one of two I have of my sister C. She's camera shy and the other picture was just sooooooo bad. She'd probably sue me and win on the basis of bad taste and cruelness.

Basically that means I'll keep it for blackmail in the future.
On my way to Sacramento, I made a detour to the Tracy Mall. It's sad that about 1/4 to 1/3 of the stores are empty. But 3 our of 4 of my favorites were still there.

This little pink jobberdoo was on clearance for $6. I showed D the red and white top I got but not this. I'll meet him at the door this afternoon with it on and he'll just love me to bits.

The nice thing about being with the same man for 41 years is.....are you ready for this?...... In his mind I'm still 16. Yep....he doesn't see the lines on my face, the sagging arms or the dimpled legs. That's what love is made of girls!

I'm now going to head to the kitchen and get the beautiful fruit J sent me home with and polish it off this morning. I ate the strawberries and some of the pineapple last night on the drive home. It was absolute heaven.

Thank you so much J for allowing me to attend R's special party. I'm sorry I had to leave early but I had to take mom home.