Friday, September 12, 2008

First day of blog.....

Well, it's the first day of this blog and I can't find my camera.  I was going to take pictures of the almost completed arbors Dave's been working on but that's a no go until I find the Camera.

Instead, I'll post pics of Nuttie.  Ya see, she's trained to go outside and go potty.  Well, lately she's decided the carpet is a much nicer place to go.  It's not only driving me nuts but I'm spending more time than I'd like cleaning carpets.

Now her daughter Nisie is trained to go in a litter box on a puddle pad.  She just walks over to the box and does her business.  Then she stands there and waits for you to reward her with a cookie.  Her brothers are also inside dogs trained to do their duty in a litter box.

The litter box training is a stroke a genius.  There are no mistakes in the house as long as the litter box is available and the dog isn't locked out of the room it's located in.  Winter never affects her potty routine.

I decided I'd retrain Nuttie (3 years old) to go in the litter box.  Now, the pups were fairly easy to train but she is proving a bit difficult.  As you can see by the pictures, she'll either pay with her daughter in the litter box or just lay down and go to sleep in it.

Nuttie can go 4 days without going potty.  She turns into a big fat sausage and refuses to go in the box.  She'll whine and cry to go outside and still refuse to go in the litter box.   I actually had to break down and buy a book on doggie litter box training to see if it has any insight on why she's being so difficult.  That should be here next week.   Guess I know what the reading for that day will be.  LOL!

I've had dachshunds since I was a kid and have to admit this is the most stubborn doxie I've ever owned.  It's turning out to be a battle between Ireland and Germany.  Trust me, Ireland is going to win.  Not only am I smarter and more stubborn but I have the ability to let or not let her out of her cage.  

Gotta go search for the camera now or you'll continuously get to see the dog in the litter box.