Monday, March 30, 2009

It's a setup!

Yesterday I spent countless hours working on another digitizing lesson.  It's a 44,400 stitch design which takes a little over an hour to sew out.  I carefully do precisely what the directions (which are vague at times) tell me to do.  They explain all the colors I am going to use including pink.  Nowhere in the step by step directions do they mention where to use the pink.  Hrmph!
I hoop the fabric using thicker stabilizer because of the stitch count.  The design starts sewing out very nice until things start to go bad.  Look at how the outline of the lettering went off registration after doing a great R and A.  
Then spaces show up between three of the rainbow arches.  I scratch my head and get a bit frustrated.   All of the sudden AHA pops up in my mind.  I remember seeing pictures at the end of the lesson where they showed these specific problems.  I didn't read that part because I was so careful to follow the directions to the letter.

I open the book and start reading the "if this happens" and immediately smell a rat.  First they say, "Don't sew this out 8 times looking for the best result to send to us".  Then comes the part which makes me think they set me up for these errors.  Not only do the pictures show these exact errors right down to which letters and arches would be affected but they say, "Before trying to correct these errors move on to Lesson 4 where we will be addressing push and pull compensation.  Then return to Lesson 3 and apply what you've learned if necessary".

Yep, I smell a rat.  On to Lesson 4 I go.


Wudas said...

It sounds like there's a big fat rat there. Nice theme though.

Shannon said...

I'm in agreement with Mom.